IRB Forms

Note that all IRB protocol applications are now submitted through the Boston Children's Hospital Electronic Research Portal, or CHeRP. CHeRP is accessible only from within the Boston Children's network or through VPN. External visitors to this website may view samples of the current IRB application forms here (see Protocol SmartForms Examples section).

Adverse Events Policy Changes (letter to the sponsor)

Confidentiality Agreement to Attend IRB Meetings

Consent Form Barcode Sticker Template (for use with Avery 5155 labels)

Consent Form Barcode Sticker Instructions

Exception from Informed Consent (EFIC) Supplemental Form

Financial Disclosure for PI Relying on BCH IRB Review

Innovative Therapy Tool Kit

Protocol Template Interventional Research

Protocol Template Observational Research

Quality Improvement Statement

Release of Medical Records

Request for Certification of Human Subject Training

Statement of Compliance

Unanticipated Event Reporting Form (This should only be used for protocols that have been closed, when it is not possible to submit the report via CHeRP.)