About the service
Production of custom rAAV vectors specific for individual investigators needs. Purified AAV vectors are suitable for both in vivo and in vitro applications. Available serotypes include AAV1, AAV2, AAV5, AAV6, AAV7, AAV8, AAV9, AAV/retro, rh10, DJ, Anc80, SHH10, 7m8, PHP variants (PHP.B, PHP.eB, PHP.S), Cap-B10, Cap-B22, MaCPNS1, and MaCPNS2, etc. For novel AAV serotypes that are not listed above, please contact us.
Release criterion
- Regular scale custom AAV prep
- 250ul~400ul purified virus with a genomic titer between e+12gc/ml~e+14gc/ml.
- Half scale custom AAV prep
- 100~150ul purified virus with genomic titer between e+12gc/ml~e+14gc/ml.
*The release criteria above may not apply to AAV vectors with the following:
- Oversize genomes (>4.7 kb from ITR-ITR including ITRs)
- Self-complementary genomes
- Genomes producing shRNA under Pol II or Pol III promoters.
- Genomes expressing toxic genes under ubiquitous promoters.
Preparing for the order submission
- Amount of plasmid DNA
- 150ug of verified pAAV plasmid for a Regular scale custom AAV prep.
- 80ug of verified pAAV plasmid for a Half scale custom AAV prep.
- DNA concentration is preferable to be between 0.5ug/ul~2ug/ul.
- Verify the integrity of the ITRs in the pAAV plasmids by conducting digestion with SmaI or XmaI. Each ITR contains two SmaI/XmaI sites – digestion will cut out the backbone of the plasmid and result in a 2.6~3.0kb band on the gel. Increased amounts of linearized full-length plasmid indicate the occurrence of recombination.
- Vector map and/or Sequence file.
- Information about your gene of interest or insert including any specific handling requirements such as toxicity, oncogenic properties, pro-apoptotic effects, etc.