The Boston Children's Hospital Research Executive Council (REC) supports the purchase of research equipment for individual laboratories and institutional and departmental cores. Requests for funding are supported through an account, established by the Chief Scientific Officer, to support the purchase of new scientific equipment and replacement of aged or outdated equipment. Requests for funding will be managed by the REC sub-committee, Equipment and Core Resource Allocation Committee (ERAC). This committee will review all requests for funding, evaluate the requests in relation to funding priorities and award the top applicants.

ECRAC mission

  • Create an enterprise-wide framework for core facilities. Collaborates with departments to develop to improve efficiency, visibility, and use.
  • Analyze existing services, community needs and research trends in order to develop and recommend short- and long-term plans for core facilities.
  • Develop and execute a program for financial support for selected core facilities and develop a strategy for sustaining cores over time, including a plan for timely review/renewal of existing cores and application process for new cores.
  • Create an internal/external web portal for investigators and core facilities.

ECRAC members

  • Hong Chen, PhD, FAHA
  • Joseph Italiano, PhD
  • Ayano Kohlgruber, PhD
  • Maria Lehtinen, PhD
  • Judy Lieberman, MD, PhD
  • Scott Pomeroy, MD, PhD, (Chair)
  • Beth Stevens, PhD

Committee contact

Spring and fall core webinar series

Spring core webinar series

  • May 1, 12-1 PM EST – Cellular Imaging Core
  • May 8, 1-2 PM EST – Viral Core
  • May 22, 12-1 PM EST – Molecular Genetics Core
  • June 11, 12-1 PM EST – Flow Cytometry Core

Fall core sebinar series

To be announced