
Microsatellite/Fragment Analysis on 3730, Parentage Genotyping using PowerPlex Fusion or AmpFLSTR Identifiler kit, Sanger SNP confirmation with primer design, SNP genotyping on Fluidigm Biomark.


Sanger Sequencing, NGS in house or send out service to various vendors.

RNA Expression

Microarrays on GeneChip (Affymetrix) system or Agilent SureScan, Gene and micro RNA expression on Fluidigm Biomark, ddPCR on BIORAD QX200 system, multiplexing up to 800 target using nanoString nCounter Sprint, CFX96 for qPCR, nucleic acid extraction on QIAcube, sample QC using Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100, Nanodrop 1000, Victor3 plate reader or Qubit 3.


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