Guidelines & Policies Section 1: Ethical Principles, Regulations, and Definitions1.1 Statement of Ethical Principles and Regulatory Requirements for Human Subject Protection1.2 Research and Human Subject Definition1.3 Boston Children's Hospital Innovative Therapy Toolkit1.4 Identifying QI/Education/Competency Evaluations as Clinical Research1.5 Case Studies/SeriesSection 2: Lines of Authority, Responsibilities, and Record-keeping2.1 IRB Jurisdiction2.2 IRB Autonomy2.3 Institutional Official: Selection and Responsibilities2.4 IRB Chair: Selection, Responsibilities, and Evaluation2.5 IRB Member: Selection, Responsibilities, and Evaluation2.6 Consultants, Observers, and Guests2.7 Legal Counsel2.8 Principal Investigator Responsibilities2.9 IRB Administrative Office Resources2.10 Records and Files2.11 Convened IRB Meeting Minutes2.12 Storage of Research Data and Informed Consent Documents2.13 Single IRB Review2.14 DF/HCC CCSG Protocol Review and Monitoring RequirementsSection 3: Credentials, Education, and Training3.1 Who May Serve as Principal Investigator3.2 Research Team Members3.3 Education and Training: Investigators and Research Staff3.4 Education and Training: Administrative Staff, IRB Members and OthersSection 4: Research Activity Review4.1 Department/Division Scientific Review of Human Subjects Research4.2 Convened IRB: Operational Review Procedures4.3 Expedited Reviews4.4 Exemptions4.5 Amendments and Revisions4.6 Protocol Exception Requests4.7 Continuing Review and Administrative Update4.8 Activation/Release, Approval, and Expiration Dates4.9 Verification of No Material Changes Since Prior IRB Review4.10 Ancillary Review: Additional Human Subject Protection Review4.11 Disapprovals and Appeal4.12 Data and Safety Monitoring Plans4.13 Multi-Site Research When a Children's Investigator Oversees an Operation's Coordinating or Statistical CenterSection 5: Reporting, Unanticipated Problems, Noncompliance5.1 Internal and External Reporting5.2 Reportable Events: Unanticipated Problems and Adverse Events Involving Risks to Research Subjects and Others5.3 Noncompliance: Investigations and Determinations5.4 Suspensions, Terminations, Administrative Closures, Investigator-Initiated Voluntary Suspension or Termination5.5 Research Related Injury5.6 Managing Research Participant/Family Concerns and Complaints5.7 Coordination Between Program for Patient Safety and Quality and Institutional Review Board OfficeSection 6: Informed Consent/Assent6.1 General Information - Informed Consent and Parental Permission6.2 Special Considerations - Assent and Parental Permission6.3 Waivers and Alterations of Informed Consent/Parental Permission/Assent Children6.4 Informed Consent with Non-English Speakers6.5 Informed Consent Decision Monitoring Program6.6 Remote Consent: Process and Documentation6.7 Exception from Informed Consent Requirements for Emergency Research6.8 Collecting Data from Pregnant Partners of Research Subjects6.9 Consent Guidance When Turning the Age of MajoritySection 7: Drugs, Biologics, and Devices7.1 Drugs, Biologics, and Dietary Supplements Regulations7.2 Expanded Access: Investigational Drugs7.3 Patients Hospitalized with Investigational Drug from Another Institution/Investigator or with Supply of Drug Not Approved in the United States7.4 Requirements for Sponsor-Investigators of Investigational Drugs (INDs)7.5 Investigational Devices7.6 Requirements for Sponsor-Investigators of Investigational Devices (IDE)7.7 Humanitarian Use DevicesSection 8: Vulnerable Populations8.1 Children8.2 Incarcerated Youth and Prisoners8.3 Sex Assigned at Birth, Birth Control, and Pregnancy Testing8.4 Pregnant persons, Fetuses, and Neonates8.5 Children in State Custody8.6 International and Cross-cultural Research8.7 Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR)8.8 Guidelines for Review of Research Involving Vulnerable Populations Not Covered by Subparts B, C, and D8.9 Research Involving Adults with Decisional ImpairmentSection 9: Guidance for Special Topics/Procedures9.1 Extending Anesthesia and Sedation for Research Purposes9.2 Skin Biopsy Guidelines9.3 Extra Endoscopy Biopsies for Research Guidelines9.4 Research Blood Drawing Guidelines9.5 Secondary Use of Human Biological Specimen Data9.6 Certificates of Confidentiality9.7 Special Confidentiality Issues When Performing Research Related Imaging9.8 Requirements for Mental Health Safety Plans in Research Protocols9.9 Genetic Research Guidance: Non-Paternity with Trios9.10 Investigator Self-Experimentation9.11 Community Consultation and Public Disclosure Guidance for Exception from Informed Consent Research (EFIC)9.12 Data Sharing Requirements for Individual Participant Level Data9.13 Use of Non-secure Email and Texting in Research9.14 IRB Emergency Preparedness and Response Policy/ProcedureSection 10: Recruitment and Remuneration10.1 Recruitment: Responsibilities and Requirements10.2 Recruitment: Methods10.3 Recruitment: Special Circumstances10.4 Research Subject RemunerationSection 11: Funding Agency Certifications and Requirements11.1 Coordination of Certification of Institutional Review Board Review and Acceptance of Grants and Contracts for Sponsored Research11.2 Research Involving Department of Defense Funding11.3 Research Funded by Department of Education and School Based Research11.4 Research Involving Department of Justice Funding11.5 NIH Genomic Data SharingSection 12: Conflict Of Interest12.1 Institutional Review Board Conflict of Interest Policy12.2 Boston Children's Hospital Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy12.3 Boston Children's Hospital Public Health Service Investigator Conflict of Interest Policy