For-Cause Audits

EQuIP will perform for cause audits of research studies to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and policies. Audits may be requested by the IRB or other institutional officials. Through these audits, the EQuIP office aims to identify areas of improvement for both the research team and for the IRB, help create corrective action plans as necessary and to help identify resources to improve problem areas. Audit findings will be used to develop suggestions for human subject and IRB compliance improvements.

Educational Activities

The EQuIP office provides educational training for IRB members, IRB staff, and for the research community on topics related to human subject protection regulations and IRB policies. Educational offerings include webinars, newsletters, and one-on-one trainings. EQuIP is available to provide seminars to research teams and/or departments upon request.

Principal Investigators conducting clinical research for the first time at BCH are required to meet with the EQuIP office prior to IRB approval to review applicable HRP regulations and BCH policies. We will provide an overview of the IRB approval process and post-approval IRB requirements.

Quality Improvement Initiatives

Utilizing data from a variety of sources, including audit findings and survey results, and working with the IRB office, the EQuIP office develops benchmarks and best practices for compliance with human subject protection regulations and policies. EQuIP also assists in the maintenance and submission of AAHRPP accreditation.