Our mission

The Cell Function and Imaging Core (CFIC) provides state-of-the-art imaging, cell characterization and molecular biology equipment that supports all researchers at Boston Children's Hospital. Our mission is to provide the infrastructure, biologic resources, expertise and training for innovative and cross-disciplinary research in fields of the life sciences, relevant to the health of infants and children, and consistent with the Boston Children's research mission.

Located in the Enders building, CFIC provides access to a wide range of equipment and expertise. Our Imaging equipment range includes laser scanning (LSM 880 Aryscan; Olympus FV3000RS) and spinning disk confocal microscope (Andor BC43), , super resolution STED microscope (Abberior STEDYCON), high end widefield (Leica Thunder), a light sheet microscope, kinetic/high content/high speed automated plate/slide imaging systems (Vala Sciences Kinetic Image Cytometer), and an automated epifluorescent scope capable of live cell imaging (Keyence).

Our cell function equipment includes multi-color flow cytometers, a cell sorter, 10x single cell Chromium Controller and a Seahorse analyzer. Upon special request and approval Agilent LC and LC Mass Spectrometry and two BioRad FPLC systems are available.

A glowing green circle on dark background that shrinks and reforms.
Lightsheet imaging of human primary TTC7A deficient enteroid stained with actin showing a multiple lumen phenotype (Thiagarajah Lab)

Oversight committee

Jon Braun, MD, PhD, (Chairman of EAB) Chair, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Director, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, and Professor of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, UCLA (Mucosal immunology, Gut Commensal Microbes and immune responses)

Sean Colgan, PhD, Kern Professor of Medicine and Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Colorado, Denver (Epithelial cell biology and mucosal inflammation)

Lora Hooper, PhD, Jonathan W. Uhr, MD, Distinguished Chair in Immunology and Department Chair at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (Intestinal immune system and defense against the microbial communities that inhabit the gut)

Ralph Isberg, PhD, Professor of Molecular Biology & Microbiology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Member of National Academy of Sciences (Molecular and cellular studies of microbial pathogenesis in the GI tract)

Monty Krieger, PhD, Charles F. Hopewell Professor Department of Biology, MIT, Member of National Academy of Sciences (Basic epithelial and hepatic cell biology and metabolism)

Robert Sandler, MD, MPH, Nina C. and John T. Sessions Distinguished Professor and Clinical Professor of Epidemiology, UNC at Chapel Hill, Chief, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Director, NIH P30 Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease (Clinical Epidemiology and translational human research)

Warren Strober, MD, Head Laboratory of Immunology, NIH Clinical Center, NIH/NIAID (Mucosal immunology:  immune responses and cellular traffic in GI mucosal tissues)


Michael Anderson, PhD
CFIC Manager

Jay Thiagarajah, MD, PhD
CFIC Co-Director

Wayne Lencer, MD
CFIC Core Co-Director


Enders 6th Flr – EN-603, EN-613, EN-641/660, EN-643; Enders 12th Flr – EN-1250; Enders 13th Flr – EN-1313


9 am - 5 pm