STEMvision™Stem Cell technologiesHematopoietic colony counterEN 210
Luminex MAGPIX®LuminexMultiplexing analytes TransLab EN 428EN 428
BD FACSLyric™Becton DickinsonFlow cytometer, patient monitoringEN 447
MACSQuant® TYTO Cell SorterMilteny biotecCell sorting for therapy applicationsEN 447
BD FACSMelody™Becton DickinsonCell cytometer, patient monitoringEN 447
MaxCyte GT electroporatorMaxcyteScalable electroporator primarily used for gene editing (clinical)EN 206
Droplet Digital™ PCRBioradMolecular monitoring of patients on gene therapy trialsEN 428
QuantStudio™5 Real time PCRLife TechnologiesMolecular monitoring of patients on gene therapy trialsEN 447
Cedex bioanalyzerRocheCell culture bioprocess analyzer (glucose, lactate etc)EN 210
SpectraMax i3Molecular DevicesMeasures absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescenceEN 428
 CliniMACS® PlusMilteny biotecLarge scale magnetic cell selectionEN 423
 HPLCShimadzuHemoglobin analysis for sickle cell patientsEN 428