Management and Leadership

Leadership in Research: Building Your Team & Managing Your People

An all day workshop led by  Chris Newell, Alan Paret, Joanne Doherty and Ellen Rothstein designed to expand skills in creating and maintaining a positive work environment. Afternoon session includes a research  (led by Jordan Kreidberg) and clinical specific component (leader TBD)

  • Leadership for the Researcher I: Team Building, Feedback and Coaching
  • Leadership for the Researcher II: Interviewing and hiring the right team - (RAs and postdocs)
  • Performance Review – What am I expected to do for HR?
  • Legal Issues of Employment
  • Challenging Cases in the Workplace
  • Managing Your Lab: Key Steps
  • Managing your Clinical Research Project Team and Meeting your Timelines

Leadership Series

The goal of the Five-Part Leadership Training Program is to provide postdoctoral research fellows and clinical fellows skills to excel in leadership positions in academia or industry. The objectives of the series are to advance leadership skills, develop people skills, improve communication skills, and uncover coaching skills, for fellows who plan to start up a lab or work in a clinic. Alan Paret, MBA, Senior Leadership Development Specialist, Learning and Development, Boston Children's Hospital, has designed a leadership series which incorporates instructors from various leadership perspectives, for a maximum of 16 fellows who can make a commitment to all five sessions.

Managing Your Brand 

In today’s Social Media-conscious world, you now have a new responsibility – managing your reputation, both online and in real life. Your personal brand is both all about who you are and what you want to be known for. Attend this session to gain some tips and insights on how to build and manage your brand in today’s media-savvy world.

Public Speaking 

Alan Paret, Senior Leadership Development Specialist, Learning and Development, Boston Children's Hospital, teaches a 3-hour one-time public speaking (hands-on, participatory) class. The class gives tips and also gives participants a chance to practice speaking via a series of exercises. This is optimal for someone who has an upcoming presentation that they wish to polish. There are only 10 slots available and the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) suggests that managers (Department Chairs/Division Chiefs/PI's) nominate participants.