
2023 Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. de Mendonça Filho, E. J., Pokhvisneva, I., Maalouf, C. M., Parent, C., Mliner, S. B., Slopen, N., Williams, D. R., Bush, N. R., Boyce, W. T., Levitt, P., Nelson, C. A., Gunnar, M. R., Meaney, M. J., Shonkoff, J. P., & Silveira, P. P. (2023). Linking specific biological signatures to different childhood adversities: findings from the HERO project. Pediatric Research.
  2. Quigley, K. M., Petty, C. R., Sidamon-Eristoff, A. E., Modico, M., Nelson, C. A., & Bosquet Enlow, M. (2023). Risk for internalizing symptom development in young children: Roles of child parasympathetic reactivity and maternal depression and anxiety exposure in early life. Psychophysiology, 60, e14326.
  3. Law, E.C., Han, M.X., Lai, Z., Lim, S., Ong, Z.Y., Ng, V., Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Wilkinson, C.L., Levin, A.R., Rifkin-Graboi, A., Daniel, L.M., Gluckman, P.D., Chong, Y.S., Meaney, M.J., Nelson, C.A. (2023). Associations between infant screen use, EEG markers, and cognitive outcomes. JAMA Pediatrics, 177(3), 311-318. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.5674.
  4. Wagner, J.B., Keehn, B, Tager-Flusberg, H, Nelson, C.A. (2023) Associations Between Attentional Biases to Fearful Faces and Social-Emotional Development in Infants With and Without an Older Sibling With Autism. Infant Behavior and Development, 71, 101811.
  5. Faja, S., Sabatos-De Vito, M., Kuhn, J.L., Nikolaeva, J.I., Sudar, C.A., Webb, S.J., Bernier, R.A., Sikich, L., Hellemann, G., Senturk, D., Naples, A.J., Shic, F., Levin, A.R., Seow, H.A., Dziura, J.D., Jeste, S.S., Chawarska, K., Nelson, C.A., Dawson, G., McPartland, J.C., Autism Biomarkers Consortorium for Clinical Trials. (2023) Evaluation of Clinical Assessments of Social Abilities for Use in Autism Clinical Trials by the Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials. Autism Research, 16(5), 981-996.
  6. Saby, J.N, Peters, S.U., Benke, T.A., Strandridge, S.M., Swanson, L. C., Lieberman, D. N., Olson, H. E., Key, A. P., Percy, A. K., Neul, J. L., Nelson, C. A., Roberts, P. L., Mars, E. D. (2023) Comparison of evoked potentials across four related developmental encephalopathies. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 15(1), 10.
  7. Flaxman, S., Kasonka, L., Cluver, L., Santos Souza, A., Nelson, C. A., Blenkinsop, A., Unwin, H. J. T., Hillis, S. (2023). List child dependents on death certificates. Letter to the editor. Science, 380, (6644) 467. 
  8. King, L. S., Guyon-Harris, K. L., Valadez, E. A., Radulescu, A., Fox, N. A., Nelson, C. A., Zeanah, C. H., & Humphreys, K. L. (2023). A comprehensive multi-level analysis of the Bucharest Early Intervention Project: Causal effects on recovery from severe deprivation. American Journal of Psychiatry, 180(8), 573-583.
  9. Kelsey, C., Taylor, J., Pirazzoli, L., DiLorenzo, R., Sullivan, E., Nelson, C.A. (2023)
  10. Shedding Light on functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Open Science Practices. Neurophotonics, 10(2), 023520.
  11. Wilkinson, C. L., Pierce, L. J., Sideridis, G., Wade, M., Nelson, C. A. (2023). Associations between EEG trajectories, family income, and cognitive abilities over the first two years of life. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 61, 101260.
  12. Sutin, J., Vyas, R., Feldman, H. A., Ferradal, S., Hsiao, C. H., Zampolli, L., Pierce, L. J., Nelson, C. A., Morton, S. U., Hay, S., El-Dib, M., Soul, J. S., Lin, P. Y., Grant, P. E. (2023). Association of cerebral metabolic rate following therapeutic hypothermia with 18-month neurodevelopmental outcomes after neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. EBioMedicine, 94, 104673.
  13. Bosl, W. J., Bosquet Enlow, M., Lock, E. F., Nelson, C. A. (2023). A Biomarker Discovery Framework for Childhood Anxiety. Frontiers in Psychiatry, section Computational Psychiatry, 14, 1158569.
  14. Tan, E., Tang, A., Debnath, R., Humphreys, K. L., Zeanah C. H., Nelson, C. A., Fox, N. A (2023). Resting brain activity in early childhood predicts IQ at 18 years. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 63, 101287.
  15. Reese, E., Kokaua, J., Guiney, H., Bakir-Demir, T., McLauchlan, J., Edgeler, C., Schaughency, E., Taumoepeau, M., Salmon, K., Clifford, A., Maruariki, N., McNaughton, S., Gluckman, P., Nelson, C., O'Sullivan, J., Wei, R., Pergher, V., Amjad, S., Trudgen, A., Poulton, R. (2023). Kia Tīmata Pai (Best Start): a study protocol for a cluster randomised trial with early childhood teachers to support children’s oral language and self-regulation development. BMJ Open, 13, e073361.
  16. Debnath, R., Troller-Renfree, S., V., Zeanah, C. H., Nelson, C. A., Fox, N. A. (2023). Effects of institutional rearing and foster care intervention on error monitoring and externalizing behaviors in adolescence. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 63, 101295.
  17. Zeanah, C. H., Fox, N. A., Nelson, C. A. (2023). The importance of family-based care for young children: evidence from recent research and implications for policy and practice. Japanese Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect. 
  18. Nelson, C. A., Fox, N. A., Zeanah, C. H. (2023) Romania’s Abandoned Children: The Effects of Early Profound Psychosocial Deprivation on the Course of Human Development. Current Directions in Psychological Science.

2023 Presented Conference Papers

  1. Nelson, C. A. (2023) The hidden toll of the COVID-19 pandemic: how do we help the 10 million children orphaned by the pandemic?. Symposium presented at Society for Research in Child Development, Salt Lake City, UT, (2023)
  2. Nelson, C. A. (2023) HEALthy Brain and Child Development Study. Symposium presented at Society for Research in Child Development, Salt Lake City, UT, (2023)
  3. Yang, E. Y., Nields, A., Wei, R., Shama, T., Forrester, T., Haque, R., Nelson, C.A. (2023) Characterizing Daily Activity Structures and Linguistic Experiences of Bangladeshi Children in Low Resource Settings. Poster presentation at Society for Research in Child Development.
  4. Nields, A., Peisch, V.D., Nelson, C.A., Bosquet Enlow, M. (2023) Child Theory of Mind and Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Reactivity in the Context of Maternal Psychopathology: Results from a Longitudinal Study. Poster presentation at Society for Research in Child Development.
  5. Kelsey, C., Fasman, A., Quigley, K., Dickerson, K., Bosquet Enlow, M., Nelson, C.A. (2023) Context-dependent approach and avoidance behavioral profiles as predictors of psychopathology. Poster presentation at Society for Research in Child Development Salt Lake City, UT.
  6. Tan, E., Tang, A., Debnath, R., Zeanah, C. H., Nelson, C. A., Fox, N. A. (2023) The effects of institutionalization and foster care intervention on early brain and cognitive development. Poster presentation at Society for Research in Child Development Salt Lake City, UT.
  7. Nields, A., Yang, Y. E., Wei, R., Nelson, C. A. (2023)“You Wanna Put the Sock in Your Mouth?” Parents’ Mentalization Language and Relations with Infant Behavioral Regulation. Poster presentation at Society for Research in Child Development.
  8. Valdes, V., Nelson, C. A., Craighead, L., Bosquet Enlow, M. (2023) Familial Stress and Parental Depression in the First Five Years of Life are Associated with Increased Anxiety Symptoms in Children. Poster presentation at Society for Research in Child Development.
  9. Kelsey, C.M., Kamenetskiy, A., Mulligan, K., Bosquet Enlow, M., Nelson, C.A. (2023). Frontoparietal brain network connectivity patterns are concurrently and longitudinally associated with executive functioning abilities in early childhood. Poster to be presented at the Australasian Neuroscience Society Meeting, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  10. Wang, Y., Xie, W., Bathelt, J., Fasman, A., Nelson, C. A., & Enlow, M. B. (2023). Temperament and Psychopathology: The “Community” To Which You Belong Matters. Presented in K. Deater-Deckard, S. Morales (Chairs), Adversity, Vulnerability, Psychopathology, and Temperament Symposium at the 24th Occasional Temperament Conference, Orford, Quebec, Canada. October 2023.

Selected Book Publications

  1. Gunnar MR, & Nelson CA (1992). Developmental Behavioral Neuroscience. The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology (Vol. 24). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  2. Nelson CA (1993). Memory and Affect in Development. The Minnesota Symposia onChild Psychology (Vol. 26).  New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  3. Nelson CA (1994) Threats to Optimal Development: Integrating Biological, Psychological, and Social Risk Factors. The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology (Vol. 27). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  4. Nelson CA (1995). Basic and Applied Perspectives on Learning, Cognition, and Development.Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology (Vol. 28). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  5. Nelson CA (2000). The Effects of Early Adversity on Neurobehavioral Development. Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology (Vol. 31). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  6. Nelson CA & Luciana M+ (2001). Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Winner of the 2001 Professional/Scholarly Publishing Annual Award competition.)
  7. Bloom FE, Nelson CA, & Lazerson A (2001). Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3rd ed). New York: Worth Publishing.
  8. Reiser J, Lockman J, & Nelson CA (2005). Action as an Organizer of Learning and Development:  The Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology (Vol. 33). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  9. Nelson CA, de Haan M+, & Thomas KM+ (2006). Neuroscience and Cognitive Development: The Role of Experience and the Developing Brain. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  10. Nelson CA & Luciana M+ (2008). Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2nd Edition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  11. Nelson CA, Fox NA, & Zeanah, CH (2014). Romania’s Abandoned Children: Deprivation, Brain Development and the Struggle for Recovery. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA