Brief Description
In this research study we want to learn more about how children’s thinking, behaviors, and ability to regulate their emotions develop over the first three years of life. These skill sets are important for children to learn, work, and manage daily life. Our primary goal is to develop a toolkit that can be used to assess executive functions and emotional regulation during the first three years of life, when interventions are most effective. We are working in coordination with several international partner laboratories to understand how children develop these skill sets in different environmental contexts.
Eligibility for Participation
- Families with infants between the ages of 0-24 months
- Families who live in primarily English-speaking households
- Families with infants who have no developmental concerns
Participation Details
If you decide to join this research study, you and your child will be asked to come in for 3-9 visits, depending on their age, until they turn three years old. Each study visit will last from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the tasks assigned for that visit. At each visit we will assess your child’s responses to pictures and sounds and play age-appropriate behavioral games with your child. As a thank you, families who participate will be compensated up to $425, depending on your child's age at enrollment. Families will also receive free parking and childcare for siblings during visits. Your child will receive a small toy to take home at the end of each visit.
Research Contact
Call 617-355-5327 or email
Full Description
The first three years of a child’s life is a period of rapid growth and development. Our team aims to learn more about how these changes occur at more frequent timepoints in a child’s early years than other studies have previously explored, to better understand what kind of growth is typical for children in the early years.
We will use a camera to track your child’s eye movements as they look at a series of age-appropriate videos and pictures presented on a screen. In addition, we will use a non-invasive cap that enables us to observe their brain activity while they watch these materials.
You will be asked to complete several surveys and to play with your child during the visit, which we will video and audio record. Your child will complete age-appropriate “games” at each visit that allow us to observe their cognitive and emotional development. During one visit, we will collect a small saliva sample from your child. At one to two visits, you will be asked to take home a wearable recording device for your child, which will be used to record the sounds your child hears at home for a full day. Participation in this wearable language device component will involve additional compensation.
Your time and commitment to this project is deeply appreciated and will contribute to potentially groundbreaking research. We aim to develop a toolkit for measuring executive function and emotion regulation that will increase the opportunity for earlier developmental interventions, and hopefully improve access to support that children receive in the future. It is a privilege and honor for our team to work with and learn alongside your family. We look forward to seeing all that your baby can do!