Current Studies

Five children huddled together

Genomics Study

The Arnett and Doan Lab are currently enrolling children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The purpose of this research study is to identify genetic causes that contribute to ADHD. We hope that this research will help us identify kids with ADHD so that we can support them and their families. Funding for the Genomics Study is provided to Drs. Arnett and Doan by the NIMH.

"The Raccoon Study" logo of raccoon holding music note


The Arnett Lab is currently enrolling 7-11 year-old children with and without ADHD. The goal of this study is to examine the brain mechanisms underlying rhythmic timing abilities in children with and without ADHD. We are using non-invasive electroencephalography (EEG) and neuropsychological testing to investigate auditory-perceptual and motor development in school-age children. Funding for the RACCOON Study is provided to Drs. Arnett and Pranjić by the GRAMMY Museum Foundation.

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This pilot aims to develop and test a preventative intervention aimed at reducing substance use in middle schoolers with ADHD. Age range: 11-13.

Completed Studies


The Arnett Lab is enrolling caregivers of children ages 7-11 with an ADHD diagnosis to help strengthen parenting tools to effectively manage their child’s screen time (e.g., setting up parental controls; establishing healthy bedtime routines). Participating caregivers will complete one virtual workshop on parenting skills for child screen time (“tech parenting”) and will complete questionnaires before and after the workshop. Funding for the EQUIP Study is provided to Dr. Peisch by the Harvard Catalyst Pilot Grant.

four pink, yellow, orange and green strands branching downward with "empower" black text beneath


The goal of this study is to learn what parents and caregivers of children think about the ADHD diagnosis and treatments. We are especially interested in learning more about cultural and community differences in how families think about ADHD and mental health, and what some of the barriers are to seeking an ADHD evaluation or supports for a child who has symptoms of ADHD in different communities.

Arnette BRAVE RHINO Logo


This study is investigating whether the brain activity associated with inattention in kids with ADHD is different from brain activity driving inattention in kids with anxiety. Age range: 7-11 years.



The Arnett Lab enrolled 7-11 year old participants for the RHINO ADHD Study (RHINO = Research on Heterogeneity In NeurOdevelopmental disorders and ADHD). The goal of this study was to characterize biomarkers of individual differences among school-age children with ADHD. Our methods included electroencephalography (EEG), in which we measured brain activity in a comfortable and fun way for the children, as well as neuropsychological testing and an interview. The RHINO ADHD study was funded for three years by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

A green frog and a pink frog with a princess hat are on top of a green hill with blue sky and between them is a pink heart; above them is the title in red - Skip a Beat.

Museum of Science study

This past summer we partnered with the Living Laboratory at the Museum of Science for our AEROBIC Study. In this study, individuals 5 and older were randomly assigned to play either an “exercise” game or a “relaxation” game before completing a short test of attention and inhibitory control. The goal of this study was to help us understand how exercise and relaxation can impact a person’s ability to pay attention and regulate impulses. We hope that our research will continue to contribute to development and improvement of treatments for children with ADHD.


The Re-ACTIVE study was conducted at the University of Washington Center on Human Development and Disability. This study involved repeat EEG testing of 60 school-age children who successfully completed the ACTIVE Study at UW. The research goal is to evaluate stability of neurophysiological biomarkers in children with ADHD. This study is funded by the Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation (KTGF).

READY Study (Relations of EEG and methylphenidate response in Attention Deficit hyperactivitY disorder)

The READY Study was run by Tara Rutter, MS, and constituted her doctoral dissertation in psychology at Seattle Pacific University. READY was an extension of the ACTIVE study and examined EEG correlates of stimulant medication response. Previous ACTIVE study participants who have ever taken methylphenidate were eligible for this study. The goal of this study was to examine potential biomarkers of methylphenidate response among children. The investigation involved a short online questionnaire about your child’s medication history and also included a short parent phone interview.

ACTIVE Study (ADHD and Cognition: Tackling Individual Variability with EEG)

This study was supported by a NIMH K99 research grant awarded to Dr. Arnett. The goal of the research was to identify subtypes of ADHD that are defined by common patterns of activity in the brain. The study involved electroencephalography (EEG), which is a non-invasive way of measuring electrical activity in the brain. Children with ADHD show atypical EEG responses to visual and auditory information, as well as atypical EEG patterns when completing a task that requires attention.

Read about our findings