Frequently asked questions

What is the purpose of this study?

We are studying what the optimal diet may be for blood glucose control in young adults with type 1 diabetes. By comparing two diets — a standard diet vs. very low carbohydrate diet — we hope to better understand the role that carbohydrate intake plays in type 1 diabetes management.

How do I know if I'm eligible to participate?

Check out "who is eligible?" on the study details page for our eligibility criteria. If you’re not sure, please contact the study team. We would be happy to answer your questions and decide together whether the study is a good fit for you.

Do I have to be a Boston Children's patient to enroll?

No, you do not have to be a patient at Boston Children's Hospital to participate in this trial.

Can I choose the diet I'll follow during the study?

No. Because of the randomized nature of the study, which is key to the study's scientific integrity, we will be randomly assigning participants to the standard diet or very low carbohydrate diet group. You will have a 50-50 chance to receive one diet or the other.

Is this a weight loss study?

No. We will calculate how many calories you need to maintain your current weight and provide you with enough food to meet your energy needs.

Do I receive money for participating?

Yes, you will receive financial compensation of up to $1,300 for your time and effort.

How will I receive the food? Is it free? What's it like?

All your meals will be provided by a meal delivery service. We will also provide snacks via mail or at in-person visits. There is no cost to you for any food during the study.

The very low carbohydrate diet will provide a reduced amount of carbohydrate compared to the standard diet. It will include non-starchy vegetables, berries, protein (e.g., fish, chicken, beef, cheeses, eggs), dairy, healthful oils, broths, vinegars, and spices. No breads, grains, or starchy vegetables (such as potato) will be provided on this diet.

What if I have specific dietary restrictions or food allergies? What if I don't like the food?

You cannot participate if you have celiac disease, but if you have other less severe food allergies or intolerances, we may be able to work with you and accommodate them. We are also able to work with the meal delivery company to provide more of the foods you like and less of the foods you dislike.

How can I get diabetes care during the study?

After receiving permission from your primary diabetes doctor, the study team will take over your diabetes care during the 12-week study period, including insulin adjustments, as needed, after we review your data each week. The study team will be in communication with your diabetes team and inform them of any changes to your regimen when the study ends.

I don't live in the Boston area. Can I still participate?

We welcome participants who live outside of the Boston area. Keep in mind we do require up to five in-person visits during the study at our research office at Boston Children's Hospital or nearby Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. You will be reimbursed for the costs of parking or local transportation.

Can I withdraw partway through the trial if something happens?

Participation in this study is voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time and for any reason. You will still receive financial compensation based on how long you remain in the study.