The Role of TBI-Derived DAMPs in Bacterial Pneumonia
In collaboration with Dr. Leo Otterbein and BIDMC, the TBI lab is actively working to characterize novel mechanisms by which TBI increases the likelihood of pneumonia in the presence of continuous exposure to normal airway bacteria. The team hopes to further determine the role of TBI-derived DAMPS (Danger Associated Molecular Pattern Molecules) in bacterial pneumonia and neurological recovery after TBI in mice and pigs. Funded by the Department of Defense, our proposed work is aimed at decreasing the incidence of PNA (pneumonias) after TBI.
MEDIC: Modulating Exercise Dosage to Improve Concussion Recovery
The TBI Lab has an ongoing collaboration with Dr. David Howell at the University of Colorado Anschutz and Colorado Children’s Hospital for a randomized control trial investigating the effects of a high dose exercise program on concussion symptom resolution, physiological function, and secondary sequalae occurrence.
Our lab is responsible for analyzing participants’ serum biomarkers collected at various time points throughout the study. The investigators aim to assess the mechanistic relationship between aerobic exercise and biomarkers of neuroinflammation.