What is Translational Investigator Service (TIS)?

The TIS was established in order to identify and support the development of faculty‐scientists who will become the national and international leaders in the translational research paradigm. Major highlights of this program include providing individuals with the necessary financial, time, and educational resources to be able to conduct meaningful translational research. Success of this program will 1) facilitate the rapid translation of discovery sciences into human trials; 2) facilitate the utilization of human patient resources for the purpose of advancing scientific discovery; and 3) position Boston Children’s Hospital for successful competition for NIH, disease‐specific foundation, pharmaceutical, and philanthropy financial support.

Junior Translational Investigator Service (JrTIS) Award

This award is intended for investigators at early stages of their independent research careers. It is suitable for those in the final years of a career development award (e.g., K08). Emphasis will be placed upon training and productivity during faculty development award period.

2025 RFA Date: TBD

Mentored Translational Investigator Service (mTIS) Award

This award is intended to provide personalized support and education to promising young trainees who are interested in translational research, effectively building the pipeline of outstanding translational investigators at BCH.

2025 RFA Date: TBD

Mid-Career TIS Award

This award is suitable for mid-career investigators (rank of Assistant Professor for minimum of three years, but not yet Full Professor) who are interested in extending their research interests into the translational realm.

*Not currently being awarded

Senior TIS Award

This award is intended for researchers following the initial five-year award as Junior or Mid-Career TIS investigators to continue as Senior Investigators for an additional three years.

*Not currently being awarded