Pappendick Family Therapeutic Acceleration Award

The goal of the Pappendick Family Therapeutic Acceleration Award is to facilitate investigators getting their late preclinical and early clinical phase 1 studies accomplished in order to allow investigators to more rapidly pursue their research which could ultimately impact the lives of pediatric patients suffering from serious or life-threatening diseases. The Translational Research Program (TRP) has created this new initiative to provide support to investigators in two spheres:

  • Late pre-clinical studies.
  • Early clinical phase 1 studies  

Full Application due: March 18, 2024
Funding begins: July 1, 2024



Applications will be accepted from Principal Investigators (PIs) who are full-time faculty of Boston Children’s Hospital.  For phase 1 studies, at time of application, if not already open and accruing patients, the trial should be ready to open within the upcoming 6-months. Those studies representing translation of scientific discoveries from BCH, particularly first in human studies, or trials in which BCH is the lead site will have priority. Any IP generated is expected to remain at BCH.


Applications will be accepted on yearly basis and will be reviewed by an external review committee consisting of translational research and clinical trial experts from outside Boston Children’s Hospital as well as members of the Venture Philanthropy Network.

Review criteria: Applications will be prioritized for funding based on the review panel’s evaluation of the following:

  1. The likely impact of research on child health with a clear path to market.
  2. The role of BCH basic/discovery and translational research in development of the research and, compelling nature of the need.
  3. The track record of the investigative team in carrying out late preclinical and/or human early phase therapeutic and device trials.

Funding through the Pappendick Family Award is available in the form of two-year awards with up to $100k/year (inclusive of 20% overhead) available. The TRP anticipates awarding two awards per year.