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Human endothelial colony-forming cells
Melero-Martin JM
Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2022; Apr 4:a041154
Engineered immunomodulatory accessory cells improve experimental allogeneic islet transplantation without immunosuppression
Wang X, Wang K, Yu M, Velluto D, Hong X, Wang B, Chiu A, Melero-Martin JM, Tomei AA, Ma M
Sci Adv 2022; 8(29):eabn0071
A safe, fibrosis-mitigating, and scalable encapsulation device supports long-term function of insulin-producing cells
Liu W, Flanders JA, Wang LH, Liu Q, Bowers DT, Wang K, Chiu A, Wang X, Ernst AU, Shariati K, Caserto JS, Parker B, Gao D, Plesser MD, Grunnet LG, Rescan C, Pimentel Carletto R, Winkel L, Melero-Martin JM, Ma M
Small 2022; 18(8):e2104899
Heterogeneity of Diabetes: β-Cells, Phenotypes, and Precision Medicine: Proceedings of an International Symposium of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes and the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Cefalu WT, Andersen DK, Arreaza-Rubín G, Pin CL, Sato S, Verchere CB, Woo M, Rosenblum ND; Symposium planning committee, moderators, and speakers:, Rosenblum N, Cefalu W, Andersen DK, Arreaza-Rubín G, Dhara C, James SP, Makarchuk MJ, Pin CL, Sato S, Verchere B, Woo M, Powers A, Estall J, Hoesli C, Millman J, Linnemann A, Johnson J, Pin CL, Hawkins M, Woo M, Gloyn A, Cefalu W, Rosenblum N, Huising MO, Benninger RKP, Almaça J, Hull-Meichle RL, MacDonald P, Lynn F, Melero-Martin J, Yoshihara E, Stabler C, Sander M, Evans-Molina C, Engin F, Thompson P, Shalev A, Redondo MJ, Nadeau K, Bellin M, Udler MS, Dennis J, Dash S, Zhou W, Snyder M, Booth G, Butte A, Florez J
Diabetes Care 2022; 45(1):3-22
Abnormal flow conditions promote endocardial fibroelastosis via endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition, which is responsive to losartan treatment
Oh NA, Hong X, Doulamis IP, Meibalah E, Pieseler T, Melero-Martin JM, Garcia-Cardena G, del Nido PJ, Friehs I
JACC Basic Transl Sci 2021; 6(12):984-999
Mechanical strain triggers endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition of the endocardium in the immature heart
Vorisek C, Weixler V, Dominguez M, Axt-Fliedner R, Hammer P, Lin RZ, Melero-Martin JM, del Nido PJ, Friehs I
Pediatr Res 2021; Online ahead of print.
A biphasic osteovascular biomimetic scaffold for rapid and self-sustained endochondral ossification
Kim HD, Hong X, An YH, Park MJ, Kim DG, Greene AK, Padwa BL, Hwang NS, Lin RZ, Melero-Martin JM
Adv Healthc Mater 2021; 10(13):e2100070
Adieu to parting Editor in Chief and pioneering scientist Dr. Joyce Bischoff
Melero-Martin JM, Dudley AC, Griffioen AW
Angiogenesis 2021; 24(2):191-193
Human endothelial colony-forming cells provide trophic support for pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes via distinctively high expression of neuregulin-1
Hong X, Oh N, Wang K, Neumeyer J, Lee CN, Lin RZ, Piekarski B, Emani S, Greene AK, Friehs I, Del Nido PJ, Melero-Martin JM
Angiogenesis 2021; 24(2):327-344
In vivo vascular network forming assay
Kim HD, Lin RZ, Melero-Martin JM
Methods Mol Biol 2021;2206:193-203
Interferon‐alpha or ‐beta facilitates SARS‐CoV‐2 pulmonary vascular infection by inducing ACE2
Klouda T, Hao Y, Kim H, Kim J, Olejnik J, Hume AJ, Ayyappan S, Hong X, Melero-Martin JM, Fang Y, Wang Q, Zhou X, Mühlberger E, Jia H, Padera RF, Raby BA, Yuan K
Angiogenesis 2021; in press
A zwitterionic polyurethane nanoporous device with low foreign body response for islet encapsulation
Liu Q, Wang X, Chiu A, Liu W, Fuchs S, Wang B, Wang LH, Flanders JA, Zhang Y, Wang K, Melero-Martin JM, Ma M
Adv Mater 2021;33(39):e2102852
Local immunomodulatory strategies to prevent allo-rejection in transplantation of insulin-producing cells
Wang X, Brown NK, Wang B, Shariati K, Wang K, Fuchs S, Melero-Martin JM, Ma M
Adv Sci 2021;8(17):e2003708
Targeting nanoparticles to bioengineered human vascular networks
Cullion K, Petishnok LC, Koo H, Harty B, Melero-Martin JM, Kohane DS
Nano Lett 2021;21(15):6609-6616
A nanofibrous encapsulation device for safe delivery of insulin-producing cells to treat type 1 diabetes
Wang X, Maxwell KG, Wang K, Bowers DT, Flanders JA, Liu W, Wang LH, Liu Q, Liu C, Naji A, Wang Y, Wang B, Chen J, Ernst AU, Melero-Martin JM, Millman JR, Ma M
Sci Transl Med 2021;13(596):eabb4601
A comprehensive library of human transcription factors for cell fate engineering
Ng AHM, Khoshakhlagh P, Rojo Arias JE, Pasquini G, Wang K, Swiersy A, Shipman SL, Appleton E, Kiaee K, Kohman RE, Vernet A, Dysart M, Leeper K, Saylor W, Huang JY, Graveline A, Taipale J, Hill DE, Vidal M, Melero-Martin JM, Busskamp V, Church GM
Nat Biotechnol 2021;39(4):510-519
Interleukin-8 receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2 are not expressed by endothelial colony-forming cells
Blandinières A, Hong X, Philippe A, Bièche I, Vacher S, Rossi E, Detriche G, Gendron N, Gaussem P, Guerin CL, Melero-Martin JM, Smadja DM
Stem Cell Rev Rep 2021;17(2):628-638
Robust differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into endothelial cells via temporal modulation of ETV2 with modified mRNA
Wang K, Lin RZ, Hong X, Ng AH, Lee CN, Neumeyer J, Wang G, Wang X, Ma M, Pu WT, Church GM, Melero-Martin JM
Sci Adv 2020;6(30):eaba7606
Bioengineering hemophilia A-specific microvascular grafts for delivery of full-length factor VIII into the bloodstream
Neumeyer J, Lin RZ, Wang K, Hong X, Hua T, Croteau SE, Neufeld EJ, Melero-Martin JM
Blood Adv 2019;3(24):4166-4176
Standardization of methods to quantify and culture endothelial colony-forming cells derived from peripheral blood – Position paper from the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis SSC
Smadja DM, Melero-Martin JM, Eikenboom J, Bowman M, Sabatier F, Randi AM
J Thromb Haemost 2019;17(7):1190-1194
Bioengineering human vascular networks: trends and directions in endothelial and perivascular cell sources
Wang K, Lin RZ, Melero-Martin JM
Cell Mol Life Sci 2019; 76(3):421-439
Comparison of covalently and physically cross-linked collagen hydrogels on mediating vascular network formation for engineering adipose tissue
Chuang CH, Lin RZ, Melero-Martin JM, Chen YC
Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol 2018;46(sup3):S434-S447
Consensus guidelines for the use and interpretation of angiogenesis assays
Nowak-Sliwinska P, Alitalo K, Allen E, Anisimov A, Aplin AC, et. al.
Angiogenesis 2018;21(3):425-532
Host non-inflammatory neutrophils mediate the engraftment of bioengineered vascular networks
Lin RZ, Lee CN, Moreno-Luna R, Neumeyer J, Piekarski B, Zhou P, Moses MA, Sachdev M, Pu WT, Emani S, Melero-Martin JM
Nat Biomed Eng 2017;1:0081
PDF | Supplementary Information | Editorial Commentary | Editorial News and Views | Behind the paper
Endothelial colony forming cells and mesenchymal progenitor cells form blood vessels and increase blood flow in ischemic muscle
Kang KT, Lin RZ, Kuppermann D, Melero-Martin JM, Bischoff J.
Sci Rep 2017; 7(1):770
Endothelial Progenitors: a consensus statement on nomenclature
Medina RJ, Barber CL, Dignat-George F, Melero-Martin JM, Khosrotehrani K, Ohneda O, Randi AM, Chan JKY, Yamaguchi T, van Hinsbergh V, Yoder MC, Stitt AW.
Stem Cell Transl Med 2017;6(5):1316-20
VEGF amplifies transcription through ETS1 acetylation to enable angiogenesis
Chen J, Fu Y, Day DS, Sun Y, Wang SY, Liang X, Gu F, Zhang F, Stevens SM, Zhou PZ, Li K, Zhang Y, Lin RZ, Smith LEH, Zhang J, Sun K, Melero-Martin JM, Han ZG, Park PJ, Zhang B, Pu WT.
Nat Commun 2017;8(1):383
Elastomeric fibrous hybrid scaffold supports in vitro and in vivo tissue formation
Masoumi N, Cooper DA, Chen P, Cubberley A, Guo K, Lin RZ, Bayoumi A, Martin D, Aikawa E, Melero-Martin JM, Mayer JE Jr.
Adv Funct Mater 2017;27(7):1606614
Devitalized stem cell microsheets for sustainable release of osteogenic and vasculogenic growth factors and regulation of anti-inflammatory immune response
Moeinzadeh S, Shariati SR, Kader S, Melero-Martin JM, Jabbari E.
Adv Biosystems 2017;1(3):1600011
Spatiotemporal release of BMP-2 and VEGF enhances osteogenic and vasculogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial colony-forming cells co-encapsulated in a patterned hydrogel
Barati D, Shariati SR, Moeinzadeh S, Melero-Martin JM, Khademhosseini A, Jabbari E.
J Control Release 2016;223:126-36
Microfluidic capture of endothelial colony-forming cells from human adult peripheral blood: phenotypic and functional validation in vivo
Lin RZ, Hatch A, Antontsev VG, Murthy SK, Melero-Martin JM
Tissue Eng Part C Methods 2015;21(3):274-83
Bioengineering vascularized tissue constructs using an injectable cell-laden enzymatically crosslinked collagen hydrogel derived from dermal extracellular matrix
Kuo KC, Lin RZ, Tien HW, Wu PY, Li YC, Melero-Martin JM, Chen YC
Acta Biomater 2015;27:151-166
Enzymatic regulation of functional vascular networks using gelatin hydrogels
Chuang CH, Lin RZ, Tien HW, Chu YC, Li YC, Melero-Martin JM, Chen YC
Acta Biomater 2015;19:85-99
Human endothelial colony-forming cells serve as trophic mediators for mesenchymal stem cell engraftment via paracrine signaling
Lin RZ, Moreno-Luna R, Li D, Jaminet SCS, Greene AK, Melero-Martin JM.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014;111(28):10137-10142
Decreased level of cord blood circulating endothelial colony-forming cells in preeclampsia
Muñoz-Hernandez R, Miranda M, Stiefel P, Lin RZ, Praena-Fernandez J, Dominguez-Simeon M, Villar J, Moreno-Luna R, Melero-Martin JM
Hypertension 2014;64(1):165-171 – Editorial commentary
Maternal body-mass index and cord blood circulating endothelial colony-forming cells
Moreno-Luna R*, Muñoz-Hernandez R*, Lin RZ, Miranda ML, Vallejo-Vaz AJ, Stiefel P, Praena-Fernandez JM, Bernal-Bermejo J, Jimenez-Jimenez LM, Villar J, Melero-Martin JM (*co-first authors)
J Pediatr 2014;164(3):566-71 – Editorial commentary
TM4SF1: a new vascular therapeutic target in cancer
Lin CL, Merley A, Sciuto TE, Li D, Dvorak AM, Melero-Martin JM, Dvorak HF, Jaminet SCS
Angiogenesis 2014;17(4):897-907
Epicardium-to-fat transition in injured heart
Liu Q, Huang X, Oh JH, Lin RZ, Duan S, Yu Y, Yang R, Qiu J, Melero-Martin JM, Pu WT, Zhou B
Cell Res 2014;24(11):1367-9
Vascular channels formed by subpopulations of PECAM+ melanoma cells
Dunleavey JM, Xiao L, Thompson J, Kim MM, Shields J, Shelton SE, Irvin DM, Brings BE, Ollila D, Brekken RA, Dayton PA, Melero-Martin JM, Dudley AC
Nat Commun 2014; Oct 22;5:5200
Transdermal regulation of vascular network bioengineering using a photopolymerizable methacrylated gelatin hydrogel
Lin RZ, Chen YC, Moreno-Luna R, Khademhosseini A, Melero-Martin JM
Biomaterials 2013; 34(28):6785-96
Human white adipose tissue vasculature contains endothelial colony-forming cells with robust in vivo vasculogenic potential
Lin RZ*, Moreno-Luna R*, Muñoz-Hernandez R, Li D, Jaminet SC, Greene AK, Melero-Martin JM (*co-first authors)
Angiogenesis 2013;34(28):6785-96
Equal modulation of endothelial cell function by four distinct tissue-specific mesenchymal stem cells
Lin RZ, Moreno-Luna R, Zhou B, Pu WT, Melero-Martin JM
Angiogenesis 2012;15(3):443-55
Fibroblast growth factor-2 facilitates rapid anastomosis formation between bioengineered human vascular networks and living vasculature
Lin RZ, Melero-Martin JM
Methods 2012;56(3):440-51
Functional human vascular network generated in photocrosslinkable gelatin methacrylate hydrogels
Chen YC*, Lin RZ*, Qi H, Yang Y, Bae H, Melero-Martin JM, Khademhosseini A (*co-first authors)
Adv Funct Mater 2012;22(10):2027-39
Thymosin beta 4 treatment after myocardial infarction does not reprogram epicardial cells into cardiomyocytes
Zhou B, Honor LB, Ma Q, Oh JH, Lin RZ, Melero-Martin JM, von Gise A, Zhou P, Hu T, He L, Wu KH, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Pu WT
J Mol Cell Cardiol 2012;52(1):43-7
Inflamed tumor-associated adipose tissue is a depot for macrophages that stimulate tumor growth and angiogenesis
Wagner M, Bjerkvig R, Wiig H, Melero-Martin JM, Lin RZ, Klagsbrun M, Dudley AC
Angiogenesis 2012;15(3):481-95
Induction of erythropoiesis using human vascular networks genetically-engineered for controlled erythropoietin release
Lin RZ, Dreyzin A, Aamodt K, Li D, Jaminet SC, Dudley AC, Melero-Martin JM
Blood 2011;118(20):5420-8
Bioengineering human microvascular networks in immunodeficient mice
Lin RZ, Melero-Martin JM
J Vis Exp 2011;Jul 11;(53).pii:3065
Concise review: vascular stem cells and tumor angiogenesis
Melero-Martin JM, Dudley AC
Stem Cells 2011;29:163-8
Functional endothelial progenitor cells from cryopreserved umbilical cord blood
Lin RZ, Dreyzin A, Aamodt K, Dudley AC, Melero-Martin JM
Cell Transplant 2011;20:515-522
Adult mouse epicardium modulates myocardial injury by secreting paracrine factors
Zhou B, Honor LB, He H, Ma Q, Oh JH, Butterfield C, Lin RZ, Melero-Martin JM, Dolmatova E, Duffy HS, Gise AV, Zhou P, Hu YW, Wang G, Zhang B, Wang L, Hall JL, Moses MA, McGowan FX, Pu WT
J Clin Invest 2011;121:1894-1904
Type I collagen, fibrin and Puamatrix matrices provide permissive environments for human endothelial and mesenchymal progenitor cells to form neovascular networks
Allen P, Melero-Martin JM, Bischoff J
J Tissue Eng Regen Med 2011;Apr 5(4):e74-86
Host myeloid cells are necessary for creating bio-engineered human vascular networks in vivo
Melero-Martin JM, De Obaldia ME, Allen P, Dudley AC, Klagsbrun M, Bischoff J
Tissue Eng Part A 2010;16:2457-2466
Bone marrow is a reservoir for pro-angiogenic myelomonocytic cells but not endothelial cells in spontaneous tumors
Dudley AC, Udagawa T, Melero-Martin JM, Shih SC, Curatolo A, Moses M, Klagsbrun M
Blood 2010;116:3367-3371
In vivo monitoring of autologous engineered pulmonary valve function
Gottlieb D, Tandon K, Emani S, Aikawa E, Brown DW, Powell AJ, Nedder A, Engelmayr GC, Melero-Martin JM, Sacks MS, Mayer JE Jr
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010;139:723-731
Intravital molecular imaging of small-diameter tissue-engineered vascular grafts in mice: a feasibility study
Hjortnaes J, Gottlieb D, Figueiredo JL, Melero-Martin JM, Kohler RH, Bischoff J, Weissleder R, Mayer, J, Aikawa E
Tissue Eng Part C Methods 2010;16:597-607
Methodology for optimal in vitro cell expansion in tissue engineering
Melero-Martin JM, Santhalingam S, Al-Rubeai M
Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol 2009;112:209-29
Engineering robust and functional vascular networks in vivo with human adult and cord blood-derived progenitor cells
Melero-Martin JM, De Obaldia ME, Kang S-Y, Khan ZA, Yuan L, Oettgen P, Bischoff J
Circ Res 2008;103:194-202. Editorial commentary – Best paper award 2009
Chapter 13: An in vivo experimental model for postnatal vasculogenesis
Melero-Martin JM, Bischoff J
Methods Enzymol 2008;445:303-329
Multipotential stem cells recapitulate human infantile hemangioma in immunodeficient mice
Khan ZA*, Boscolo E*, Picard A, Psutka S, Melero-Martin JM, Bartch TC, Mulliken JB, Bischoff J
J Clin Invest 2008;118: 2592-2599
In vivo vasculogenic potential of human blood-derived endothelial progenitor cells
Melero-Martin JM, Khan ZA, Picard A, Wu X, Paruchuri S, Bischoff J
Blood 2007;109:4761-4768
Human pulmonary valve progenitor cells exhibit endothelial/mesenchymal plasticity in response to vascular endothelial growth factor-A and transforming growth factor-beta2
Paruchuri S, Yang JH, Rabkin-Aikawa E, Melero-Martin JM, Khan ZA, Loukogeorgakis S, Schoen FJ, Bischoff J
Circ Res 2006;99:861-869
Endothelial progenitor cells from infantile hemangioma and umbilical cord blood display unique cellular responses to Endostatin
Khan ZA, Melero-Martin JM, Wu X, Paruchuri S, Boscolo E, Mulliken JB, Bischoff J
Blood 2006;108:915-921
Expansion of chondroprogenitor cells on macroporous microcarriers as an alternative to conventional monolayer systems
Melero-Martin JM, Dowling MA, Smith M, Al-Rubeai M
Biomaterials 2006;27:2970-2979
Optimal in-vitro expansion of chondroprogenitor cells in monolayer culture
Melero-Martin JM, Dowling MA, Smith M, Al-Rubeai M
Biotechnol Bioeng 2006;93:519-533
Cryopreservation and in-vitro expansion of chondroprogenitor cells isolated from the superficial zone of articular cartilage
Martin JM, Smith M, Al-Rubeai M
Biotechnol Prog 2005;21:168-177