Selected journal articles

Stamoulis, C., Richardson, A.G (2009), Application of Matched-Filtering to Identify Behavioral Modulation of Brain Oscillations, J. of Comput. Neurosci., 29:(1-2):63-72, (Epub ahead of print 2009) PMID:19424783

Stamoulis, C., Richardson, A.G (2010) Encoding of Brain State Changes in Local Field Potentials Modulated by Motor Behaviors, J. of Comput. Neurosci., 29(3):475-83, PMID:20130974

Stamoulis, C., Oberman, L.M., Praeg, E., Pascual-Leone, A (2011), Single pulse TMS-induced modulations of resting brain neurodynamics encoded in EEG phase , Brain Topography, 24(2):105-113, PMID: 21203817

Stamoulis, C., Betensky, R.A (2011) A novel signal processing approach for the detection of copy-number variations in the human genome, Bionformatics, 27(17):2338-2345, PMID: 21752800

Barnes, T. , Mao, J.B., Hu, D., Kubota, Y., Dreyer, A., Stamoulis, C., Brown, E.N., and Graybiel, A (2011), Advance-Cueing Produces Enhanced Action-Boundary Patterning of Spike Activity in the Sensorimotor Striatum, J. Neurophysiol., 105(4):1861-1878, PMID: 21307317

Stamoulis, C., Gruber, L.J., Schomer, D.L., Chang, B.S (2012), High-frequency neuronal network modulations encoded in scalp EEG precede the onset of focal seizures, Epilepsy Behav, 23(4):471-80, PMID: 22410338

Stamoulis, C., Chang, B.S (2013), Modeling Non-Invasive Neurostimulation in Epilepsy as Stochastic Interference in Brain Networks, IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 21(3):354-63, (Epub ahead of print, June 2012) PMID: 22692940

Orbach, D.B., Stamoulis, C., Strauss, K.J., Manchester, J., Smith, E.R., Scott, M.R., Lin, N., Neurointerventions in children: radiation exposure and its import, American Journal of Neuroradiology, Apr;35(4):650-6, 2014 (Epub ahead of print, October 2013), PMID: 24157736

Stamoulis, C., Schomer, D.L., Chang, B.S (2013), Information theoretic measures of network coordination in high-frequency scalp EEG reveal dynamic patterns associated with seizure termination, Epilepsy Res. 105(3):299-315, PMID: 2360819

Stamoulis, C., Vogel-Farley, V. Degregorio, G., Jeste, S.S., Nelson, C.A (2014), Resting and Task-Modulated High-Frequency Brain Rhythms Measured by Scalp Encephalograms in Infants with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, J Autism Develop Disord, 45(2):336-53, (Epub ahead of press 2014), PMID: 23838730

Bick, J., Zhu, T., Stamoulis, C., Fox, N., Zeanah, C., Nelson, C.A (2015) A Randomized Clinical Trial of Foster Care as an Intervention for Early Institutionalization: Long Term Improvements in White Matter Microstructure, JAMA Pediatr, 169(3):211-9 PMID: 25622303

Stamoulis, C., Betensky, RA (2016), Optimization of Signal Decomposition Matched Filtering for improved detection of copy-number variations in genomic data, IEEE Trans Comput Biol Bioinform (DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2015.2448077)

Stamoulis, C., Vanderwert, RE, Zeanah, CH, Fox, NA, Nelson, CA (2015), Early psychosocial deprivation adversely impacts developmental trajectories of brain rhythms and their interactions, J Cogn Neurosci, 27(12): 2512–2528, PMID: 26351990

Stamoulis, C., Vanderwert, RE, Zeanah, CH, Fox, NA, Nelson, CA (2017), Neuronal network maturation in the developing brain is adversely modulated by early neglect, J Neurophysiol, 118(4):2275-2288, PMID: 28679837

Karwowski, MP, Stamoulis, C, Wenren, LM, Faboyede, GM, Quinn, N, Gura, KM, Bellinger, DC, Woolf, AD (2017), Blood and Hair Aluminum Levels, Vaccine History and Early Infant Development: A Cross-Sectional Study, Acad Pediatrics, 18(2):161-165, PMID: 28919482

Stamoulis, C, Connolly, J, Axeen, E, Kaulas, H, Halford, JJ, Duffy, FH, Treves ST, Pearl, PL, (2018) Non-invasive Seizure Localization with Ictal Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography is Impacted by Preictal/Early Ictal Network Dynamics, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, Epub ahead of print, Nov 2018, PMID: 30418877

For a full list of publications see PubMed.