Caterina Stamoulis, PhD Caterina Stamoulis, PhD

Education: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (BS, MS, PhD)
MIT, Harvard University, Harvard School of Public Health (post-doctoral)

Current position: Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School

I completed my undergraduate and graduate studies at MIT and received a PhD in the field of Underwater Acoustics. For several years I conducted research in this field, first studying the acoustic environment under the ice cap in the Arctic ocean and later acoustic wave propagation in shallow water. I switched fields and transitioned into Neuroscience in 2004. Following post-doctoral training in Neuroscience (MIT) and Biostatistics (Harvard School of Public Health), I joined the faculty at Harvard Medical School in 2009. My broad research interests are in computational Neuroscience, neural signal processing, neurostatistics/bioinformatics and broadly data science . I am also associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering


Current Members

Matthew Risner
Matthew Risner, BS


Skylar Brooks, BS
Skylar Brooks, BS
* Currently PhD student at UC Berkeley
Research Assistant
Peter Calvaresi
Peter Calvaresi
Undergraduate Researcher
Fiona Cheung, BS
Fiona Cheung, BS
* Currently MS student at Georgia Tech
Research Assistant
Kaitlynn Cooper
Kaitlynn Cooper
* Currently at Carnegie Mellon University
Undergraduate Researcher
Katherine Dorfman
Katherine Dorfman
* Currently at Brandeis University
Undergraduate Researcher
Nicole Dundas
Nicole Dundas
* Currently at MIT
Undergraduate Researcher
Makayla Durant
Makayla Durant
* Currently at Cornell University
Student Intern, Project Success
Amanda Francis
Amanda Francis
* Currently at University of Pennsylvania
Student Intern, Project Success
Jose Garcia, MS
Jose Garcia, MS
Research Assistant
Michelle Gibble
Michelle Gibble
*Currently at Brown University
Undergraduate Researcher
Hank Golding
Hank Golding, BS
Research Assistant
Linfeng Hu, BS
*Currently at the Broad Institute
Research Assistant
Alisha Kodibagkar, MS
Alisha Kodibagkar, MS
Research Assistant
Yuna Lee, BS
Yuna Lee, BS
Research Assistant
Jethro Lim
Jethro Lim, MS
Research Assistant
Victoria Lopez
Victoria Lopez
Undergraduate Researcher; Research Assistant
Vineeth Kakani
Vineeth Kakani
Undergraduate Researcher
Brandon Ng
Brandon Ng
* Currently at Northeastern University
Undergraduate Researcher
Jamila O’Hara
Jamila O’Hara
Student Intern, Project Success
Kristen Ong
Kristen Ong
* Currently at Cornell University
Undergraduate Summer Intern
Rick Ono
Rick Ono
* Currently at MIT
Undergraduate Researcher
Sean Parks, BS
Sean Parks, BS
* Currently at MIT
Research Assistant
Christopher Rees, PhD
Christopher Rees, PhD
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Calli Smith
Calli Smith, BS
Research Assistant
Kamron Soldozy
Kamron Soldozy
* Currently at Princeton University
Undergraduate Researcher
David Solooki
David Solooki
Undergraduate Researcher
Josleen St. Luce
Josleen St Luce
Undergraduate Researcher
Rachel Yu
Rachel Yu
Undergraduate Researcher
Lila Zimbalist
Lila Zimbalist
* Currently at Brown University
Undergraduate Researcher