Charbonnier LM, Cui Y, Stephen-Victor E, Harb H, Lopez D, Bleesing JJ, Garcia-Lloret MI, Chen K, Ozen A, Carmeliet P, Li MO, Pellegrini M, Chatila TA. Functional reprogramming of regulatory T cells in the absence of Foxp3. Nat Immunol. 2019 Sep;20(9):1208-1219
Crestani E, Harb H, Charbonnier LM, Leirer J, Motsinger-Reif A, Rachid R, Phipatanakul W, Kaddurah-Daouk R, Chatila TA. Untargeted metabolomic profiling identifies disease-specific signatures in food allergy and asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Oct 25. pii: S0091-6749
Cui Y, Keles S, Charbonnier LM, Julé AM, Henderson L, Celik SC, Reisli I, Shen C, Xie WJ, Schmitz-Abe K, Wu H, Chatila TA. Combined immunodeficiency caused by a loss-of-function mutation in DNA polymerase delta 1. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020 Jan;145(1):391-401
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Henderson LA, Hoyt KJ, Lee PY, Rao DA, Jonsson AH, Nguyen JP, Rutherford K, Julé AM, Charbonnier LM, Case S, Chang MH, Cohen EM, Dedeoglu F, Fuhlbrigge RC, Halyabar O, Hazen MM, Janssen E, Kim S, Lo J, Lo MS, Meidan E, Son MBF, Sundel RP, Stoll ML, Nusbaum C, Lederer JA, Chatila TA, Nigrovic PA. Th17 reprogramming of T cells in systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis. JCI Insight. 2020 Mar 26;5(6):e132508.
Harb H, Stephen-Victor E, Crestani E, Benamar M, Massoud A, Cui Y, Charbonnier LM, Arbag S, Baris S, Cunnigham A, Leyva-Castillo JM, Geha RS, Mousavi AJ, Guennewig B, Schmitz-Abe K, Sioutas C, Phipatanakul W, Chatila TA. A regulatory T cell Notch4-GDF15 axis licenses tissue inflammation in asthma. Nat Immunol. 2020 Sep 14. doi: 10.1038/s41590-020-0777-3.
Sefer AP, Charbonnier LM, Kasap N, Akcam B, Demirkol YK, Eltan SB, Ozen A, Karakoc-Aydiner E, Baris S. A Patient with Novel ICOS Mutation Presented with Progressive Loss of B Cells. J Clin Immunol. 2020 Oct 10.
Turner JA, Stephen-Victor E, Wang S, Rivas MN, Abdel-Gadir A, Harb H, Cui Y, Fanny M, Charbonnier LM, Fong JJH, Benamar M, Wang L, Burton OT, Bansal K, Bry L, Zhu C, Li QZ, Clement RL, Oettgen HC, Crestani E, Rachid R, Sage PT, Chatila TA. Regulatory T Cell-Derived TGF-β1 Controls Multiple Checkpoints Governing Allergy and Autoimmunity. Immunity. 2020 Oct 14:S1074-7613(20)30414-3
Van der Veeken J, Glasner A, Zhong Y, Hu W, Wang Z-M, Bou-Puerto R, Charbonnier LM, Chatila TA, Leslie CS, Rudensky AY, The Transcription Factor Foxp3 Shapes Regulatory T Cell Identity by Tuning the Activity of trans-Acting Intermediaries. Immunity. 2020 Nov 17.
Kayaoglu B, Kasap N, Yilmaz NS, Charbonnier LM, Geckin B, Akcay A, Eltan SB, Ozturk G, Ozen A, Karakoc-Aydiner E, Chatila TA, Gursel M, Baris S. Stepwise Reversal of Immune Dysregulation Due to STAT1 Gain-of-Function Mutation Following Ruxolitinib Bridge Therapy and Transplantation. J Clin Immunol. 2021 Jan 21
Norlander AE, Bloodworth MH, Toki S, Zhang J, Zhou W, Boyd KL, Polosukhin VV, Cephus JY, Ceneviva ZJ, Gandhi VD, Chowdhury NU, Charbonnier LM, Rogers LM, Wang J, Aronoff DM, Bastarache L, Newcomb DC, Chatila TA, Peebles RS Jr. Prostaglandin I2 signaling licenses Treg suppressive function and prevents pathogenic reprogramming. J Clin Invest. 2021 Feb 2:140690.
Stephen-Victor E, Cui Y, Wang Z, Benamar M, Charbonnier LM, Chatila TA. Essential functions of regulatory T cell TGF-β1 revealed by differential gene-targeting approaches. Immunity. 2021 Mar 9;54(3):397-398.
Zemmour D, Charbonnier LM, Leon J, Six E, Keles S, Delville M, Benamar M, Baris S, Zuber J, Chen K, Neven B, Garcia-Lloret MI, Ruemmele FM, Brugnara C, Cerf-Bensussan N, Rieux-Laucat F, Cavazzana M, André I, Chatila TA, Mathis D, Benoist C. Single-cell analysis of FOXP3 deficiencies in humans and mice unmasks intrinsic and extrinsic CD4+ T cell perturbations. Nat Immunol. 2021 May;22(5):607-619.
Harb H, Benamar M, Lai PS, Contini P, Griffith JW, Crestani E, Schmitz-Abe K, Chen Q, Fong J, Marri L, Filaci G, Del Zotto G, Pishesha N, Kolifrath S, Broggi A, Ghosh S, Gelmez MY, Oktelik FB, Cetin EA, Kiykim A, Kose M, Wang Z, Cui Y, Yu XG, Li JZ, Berra L, Stephen-Victor E, Charbonnier LM, Zanoni I, Ploegh H, Deniz G, De Palma R, Chatila TA. Notch4 signaling limits regulatory T-cell-mediated tissue repair and promotes severe lung inflammation in viral infections. Immunity. 2021 Jun 8;54(6):1186-1199
Chen CC, Chen BR, Wang Y, Curman P, Beilinson HA, Brecht RM, Liu CC, Farrell RJ, de Juan-Sanz J, Charbonnier LM, Kajimura S, Ryan TA, Schatz DG, Chatila TA, Wikstrom JD, Tyler JK, Sleckman BP. Sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) activity is required for V(D)J recombination. J Exp Med. 2021 Aug 2;218(8):e20201708.
Kolukisa B, Baser D, Akcam B, Danielson J, Bilgic Eltan S, Haliloglu Y, Sefer AP, Babayeva R, Akgun G, Charbonnier LM, Schmitz-Abe K, Kendir Demirkol Y, Zhang Y, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Jimenez Heredia R, Kasap N, Kiykim A, Ozek Yucel E, Gok V, Unal E, Pac Kisaarslan A, Nepesov S, Baysoy G, Onal Z, Yesil G, Celkan TT, Cokugras H, Camcioglu Y, Eken A, Boztug K, Lo B, Karakoc-Aydiner E, Su HC, Ozen A, Chatila TA, Baris S. Evolution and long-term outcomes of combined immunodeficiency due to CARMIL2 deficiency. Allergy. 2022 Mar, 77(3):1004-1019.
Sefer AP, Abolhassani H, Ober F, Kayaoglu B, Bilgic Eltan S, Kara A, Erman B, Surucu Yilmaz N, Aydogmus C, Aydemir S, Charbonnier LM, Kolukisa B, Azizi G, Delavari S, Momen T, Aliyeva S, Kendir Demirkol Y, Tekin S, Kiykim A, Baser OF, Cokugras H, Gursel M, Karakoc-Aydiner E, Ozen A, Krappmann D, Chatila TA, Rezaei N, Baris S. Expanding the Clinical and Immunological Phenotypes and Natural History of MALT1 Deficiency. J Clin Immunol. 2022 Apr;42(3):634-652.
van der Veeken J, Campbell C, Pritykin Y, Schizas M, Verter J, Hu W, Wang ZM, Matheis F, Mucida D, Charbonnier LM, Chatila TA, Rudensky AY. Genetic tracing reveals transcription factor Foxp3-dependent and Foxp3-independent functionality of peripherally induced Treg cells. Immunity. 2022 Jul 12;55(7):1173-1184.
Cui Y, Benamar M, Schmitz-Abe K, Poondi-Krishnan V, Chen Q, Jugder BE, Fatou B, Fong J, Zhong Y, Mehta S, Buyanbat A, Eklioglu BS, Karabiber E, Baris S, Kiykim A, Keles S, Stephen-Victor E, Angelini C, Charbonnier LM, Chatila TA. A Stk4-Foxp3-NF-κB p65 transcriptional complex promotes Treg cell activation and homeostasis. Sci Immunol. 2022 Sep 23;7(75)
Benamar M, Chen Q, Chou J, Julé AM, Boudra R, Contini P, Crestani E, Lai PS, Wang M, Fong J, Rockwitz S, Lee PY, Chan TMF, Altun EZ, Kepenekli E, Karakoc-Aydiner E, Ozen A, Boran P, Aygun F, Önal P, Kilinc Sakalli AA, Cokugras H, Gelmez MY, Oktelik FB, Cetin Aktas E, Zhong Y, Taylor ML, Irby K, Halasa NB, Mack EH, Signa S, Prigione I, Gattorno M, Cotugno N, Amodio D, Geha RS, Son MB, Newburger JW, Agrawal PB, Volpi S, Palma P, Kiykim A, Randolph A, Deniz G, Baris S, De Palma R, Schmitz-Abe K, Charbonnier LM, Henderson LA, Chatila TA. The Notch1/CD22 signaling axis disrupts Treg cell function in SARS-CoV2-associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. J Clin Invest. 2022 Oct 25:e163235