Principal investigator

Frederick Alt, PhD Frederick Alt, PhD

Director, Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine at Boston Children's Hospital

Principal Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Boston Children's Hospital

Charles A. Janeway Professor of Pediatrics

Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School

Assistant Professor

Ming Tian, PhD

Ming Tian, PhD
Harvard University

I generate mouse models to test HIV-1 vaccine candidates.  The goal of HIV-1 vaccine development is to design immunization methods that can elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies against diverse viral strains.  Our mouse models express precursors of broadly neutralizing antibodies. Immunization of these mouse models can evaluate the ability of the vaccine candidate to mature the precursor antibody into broadly neutralizing antibodies.


A man, Ye Yongxin, smiles at the camera for his headshot.

Yongxin Ye, PhD
Peking University, China

I am an Assistant Professor specializing in bioinformatics, with expertise in bioinformatics analysis and biostatistical modeling. Currently, my primary focus is on analyzing next-generation sequencing (NGS) data, including high-throughput genome-wide translocation sequencing (HTGTS), generated by lab, to characterize V(D)J recombination, somatic hypermutation, and class switch recombination during B cell development. I am also interested in exploring artificial intelligence (AI) applications, such as ChatGPT, in many fields, including bioinformatics.


Hongli Hu, PhD

Hongli Hu, PhD
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

My current research is focus on cohesion unloader Wapl's function in V(D)J recombination.


Postdoctoral Fellows

Himanshu Batra headshot.

Himanshu Batra

I am interested in generating mouse models for obtaining novel broadly neutralizing antibodies to COVID-19 and HIV. In addition to that, I am studying the regulatory mechanisms of immunoglobulin light chain isotypic exclusion in B cells.



Xi Chen

Xi Chen

My study focus on studying the mechanism of somatic hypermutation by using cell lines.




Xiang Li headshot.

Xiang Li

My research is focused on the mechanism of V(D)J recombination and IgH allelic exclusion in developing B cells



Aseda Tena

Aseda Tena

I am interested in identifying mechanisms in brain neural progenitor cells that contribute to recurrent DNA breaks in a set of genes implicated in neuropsychiatric diseases and cancer. 



Chengxian Xu headshot.

Chengxian Xu

My study is going to reveal the mechanisms of V(D)J recombination during B cell development.



A woman, Zhuo Yang, wears a graphic shirt and glasses in front of a desert rock as she plays with her hair and smiles at the camera.

Zhuo Yang

My research is focused on elucidating the mechanism of chromatin loop extrusion-mediated class switch recombination.




Graduate Students

Yiwen Zhang Yiwen Zhang
PhD student in Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS), Harvard University

I am interested in studying the regulatory mechanisms of chromatin 3D structure in the context of IgH V(D)J recombination in progenitor B cells.


David Chen

David Chen
Research Assistant I





An asian woman, Hwei-Ling Cheng, has a closed-lip smile while looking at the camera for her headshot.

Hwei-Ling Cheng
Lab Manager/Research Specialist III





Vera Gaun

Vera Gaun
PCMM Program Coordinator





Geeyoun Jung

Geeyoun Jung
Research Assistant I





A woman, Xin Lin, gives the camera a serious look for her headshot.

Xin Lin
Bioinformatics Research Assistant III





Judy Needham

Judy Needham
Administrative Assistant





Barbara Oliveria

Barbara de Oliveria
Research Assistant I





Yumi Uetake

Yumi Uetake
Senior Laboratory Manager





Aimee Williams

Aimee Williams
Lead Research Technologist





Taimor Williams

Taimor Williams
Bioinformatic Research Assistant I





Tammie Zhu

Tammie Zhu
Research Assistant I