The Zanoni Lab has members of all academic levels, including Research Fellows, Post-Doctoral Fellows, Ph.D. students and M.S. students. Our lab also hosts several international student exchange programs for students at the undergraduate level (M.S. thesis). If you are interested in joining the lab, please contact us.

Principal Investigator

Research Faculty, Division of Immunology, Division of Gastroenterology; Boston Children's Hospital
Associate Professor of Pediatrics; Boston Children’s Hospital Chair in the Field of Immunology; Harvard Medical School

Current Lab Members

Achille Broggi, PhD
Achille Broggi, PhD
Faceless Avatar - Male
Marco Di Gioia, PhD
Faceless Avatar - Female
Sreya Ghosh
Marco Di Gioia, PhD
Marco Raffaelli, MS
Valentina Poli, PhD
Valentina Poli, PhD