Open Post-Doc Position

We are looking for a highly motivated, energetic and goal-oriented fellow to join the lab. Our lab is located at Joslin Diabetes Center. A new fellow would be co-mentored by myself and C. Ronald Kahn, combining the strengths of a new investigator who is hungry for success and an experienced investigator who has trained more than 180 post-docs at Harvard Medical School. The project would build on our findings published in JCI (Softic, JCI. 2017) and on our manuscript under review at Cell Metab.

A new post-doc would work on:

  1. Studying cell-specific metabolic outcomes following knockout or overexpression of ketohexokinase (KHK), the first enzyme in fructose metabolism pathway.
  2. Understanding how four newly identified acetylation sites on CPT1a induced by fructose feedings affect its enzymatic activity and mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation.
  3. Identify the mechanism by which insulin leads to alternative splicing of KHK-C versus KHK-A isoforms, to enhance fructose metabolism in hyperinsulinemic states.