Biological Phenotyping of Juvenile Arthritis

What is the goal of the study? This study seeks to collect pre-treatment biosamples from patients with new-onset Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) to enable related translational research.

How do you participate? Patients with previously untreated JIA, other forms of arthritis that started before age 18, and healthy controls are enrolled. Prior to beginning treatment, individuals who consent to participate provide a single blood sample and synovial fluid sample that may be left over from a joint procedure. For more information, ask your Rheumatologist or contact the study coordinator.


Studies of Rheumatic Diseases of Childhood

What is the goal of the study? This study seeks to enroll patients with rheumatic diseases of any kind, and at any stage, to enable related translational research.

How do you participate? Consenting patients provide a single sample at the time of enrollment; tissue and synovial fluid discarded from a clinical procedure may also be collected. For more information, ask your Rheumatologist or contact the study coordinator.
