PRADA was established in 2010 by Robert Kitts, MD (former Boston Children’s psychiatrist), who believed that research assistants and coordinators would benefit from a professional development program similar to those available to medical students, residents, and fellows. PRADA began as a seminar series where RA/Cs invited guest speakers to lecture on topics ranging from interviewing high-risk study participants to career pathways to healthcare reform.
As interest in PRADA grew, more RA/Cs became involved and began developing initiatives of their own. PRADA now has a plethora of independent subcommittees addressing demands for preparation for higher education (e.g. medical school, PhD programs, MPH degrees, etc.), community service, social advocacy, professional development, cultural education, community-building, and more. New committees may be formed as the group grows in size, interest, and reach.
Today, PRADA reaches approximately 500 employees at Boston Children's Hospital, and 200 alumni in various graduate, medical, and public service institutions across the country. PRADA is a low-cost, sustainable program that is run entirely by an executive team of research assistants/coordinators who volunteer their time to pursue these passions.