For any questions regarding the implementation of the quality assurance procedures, sites should contact:
Robert Mulkern, Ph.D.
Tel: 617-355-3737
Sites should complete the PBTC MRI QUALITY ASSURANCE DATA FORM - each time the phantom is scanned and email the form to: Applications Support Specialist for the NIC.
Boston Children's Hospital
Tel: 617-355-3260
Fax: 617-730-0828
A complete report of the current state of MRI QC with quantitative listings of the results from each site is compiled and a running update of the overall QC report is handled by the Clinical Research Program at Boston Children's Hospital. Dr. Mulkern receives the completed forms from each site as they perform annually (at minimum) tests. He archives the hard copy, performs a close inspection of each report to identify errors or outliers in the form, then the new data is entered by the CRP into the QC report. Data and statistics associated with each of the seven tests for each site are maintained. Regular meetings (monthly or more) between Dr Mulkern and the CRP personnel have been established to maintain an active QC MRI program. Sites will be notified when action level values exceeding 15 % of the mean for any measurement are noted by the NIC. Each site should follow its own institutional procedures in assessing and/or repairing the scanner in question.
Sites should also have a spectroscopy phantom as supplied by their manufacturer. In the case of General Electric sites, the phantom is referred to as the Braino phantom as it contains concentrations of the major metabolites similar to that found in the human brain. At least quarterly, this phantom should be scanned and the values for the three resonances NAA, Cho and Cr associated ratios should be recorded in the PBTC QA form.
MRI Quality Assurance Procedures