Recent Papers

Renz H, Allen KJ, Sicherer SH, Sampson HA, Lack G, Beyer K, Oettgen HC. Food Allergy Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2018 Jan 4;4:17098. PMID:29300005 . 

Burton OT, Epp A, Fanny ME, Miller SJ, Stranks AJ, Teague JE, Clark RA, van de Rijn M, Oettgen HC.  Tissue-Specific Expression of the Low-Affinity IgG Receptor, FcγRIIb, on Human Mast Cells. Front Immunol. 2018.  9:1244. PMID: 29928276. 

Burton OT, Tamayo JM, Stranks AJ, Koleoglu KJ, Oettgen HC. Allergen-specific IgG antibody signaling through FcγRIIb promotes food tolerance. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018;141:189-201. PMID: 2847933

Burton OT, Noval Rivas M, Zhou JS, Logsdon SL, Darling AR, Koleoglou KJ, Roers A, Houshyar H, Crackower MA, Chatila TA, Oettgen HC. Immunoglobulin E signal inhibition during allergen ingestion leads to reversal of established food allergy and induction of regulatory T cells. Immunity.2014 Jul 17;41(1):141-151. PMID: 25017467