
Director, Neurodevelopmental Disorders Developmental Program; Attending Psychologist, Division of Developmental Medicine
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics; Instructor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School

Project Coordinator

Katherine (Kate) Campe, M.M., M.Ed joined the lab in the summer of 2011 as a research assistant. After Graduating from Harvard with her master’s degree Kate came to CHB for the Labs of Cognitive Neuroscience as an Psychoeducational evaluator. There she worked with children with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.

She then came to the Neurodevelopmental Phenotyping program to pursue research in autism, a population she is strongly interested in. Kate is currently pursuing a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in school psychology so that she can continue to evaluate children, and develop assessments and interventions to assist them in schools.

Research Assistants

Amy Walsh, BA joined the lab as a research assistant in January 2015 after interning with us in the fall and winter of 2014. She graduated with her BA in Developmental Psychology from Emmanuel College in December 2014. In the lab, Amy administers cognitive testing to children with autism spectrum disorders participating in our research studies, and conducts parent interviews. She hopes to pursue an advanced degree in the psychology field.

Shana Attar, M.Ed. joined the lab in July 2015 after graduating from Harvard University with her Master’s degree. She has a background in neuroimaging and educational neuroscience, and she joined the Neurodevelopmental Phenotyping program at BCH to learn behavioral methods of assessing neurodevelopment. Shana is responsible for administering cognitive and behavioral tests, researching projects and analyzing data, and coordinating the undergraduate student internship program. She hopes to pursue a Ph.D in psychology.

Paige Hickey, BS joined the lab in the fall of 2015 as a research assistant. She received a degree in Neuroscience from Furman University in the spring of 2015. In the lab, she is responsible for administering cognitive testing to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. She hopes to pursue a higher degree in either psychology or cognitive neuroscience.

Data Manager

Danica Peterson, MPH joined the lab in August 2014 as a data manager. After graduating with her Master’s degree in Public Health from Brown University, Danica worked as a healthcare consultant in Chicago, IL. Danica is currently responsible to managing, manipulating and analyzing all data related to the lab. She hopes to pursue an advanced degree in social work or a behavioral health-related field.