We have several studies currently recruiting participants at our Brookline Place location and in Longwood. If you are interested in participating, contact us to find out about currently recruiting studies that you may be eligible for. You can also join the participant registry to be contacted about future studies.

Phone: 617-355-0400
Email: lcn.admin@childrens.harvard.edu

Participant Registry

The Research Participant Registry (RPR) is a shared resource in partnership with the Division of the Developmental Medicine, Department of Neurology, and Rosamund Stone Zander Translational Neuroscience Center. We here in the Laboratories of Cognitive Neuroscience focus on many aspects of infant and child development, including typical development and various developmental disorders such as autism and ADHD. Through our research, including several collaborations with colleagues in the Boston area, we aim to shed light on the many ways in which a child's experience can shape the developing brain.

In every new discovery that we make, through every step forward, we depend upon children and families who support our work by participating in our studies. Your involvement could provide us with valuable insight and can also be a fun, educational opportunity for you and your child. Many of our research studies offer monetary compensation, toys for your child, and/or feedback about your child's development.

Disclaimer: By enrolling in the Participant Registry, you are consenting to be contacted by Boston Children’s Hospital study staff via mail, telephone, or regular email (i.e., non-encrypted email). The Boston Children’s Hospital standard is to send emails securely by encryption. By enrolling in the Participant Registry, you acknowledge that you have been informed and understand that we cannot guarantee that regular non-encrypted email will be confidential.