Lewis JD, Miran AA, Stoopler M, Branson HM, Danguecan A, Raghu K, Ly LG, Cizmeci MN, Kalish BT. Automated Neuroprognostication via Machine Learning in Neonates with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy. Under Review.
Cizmeci MN, Wilson D, Singhal M, El Shahed A, Kalish B, Tam E, Chau V, Ly L, Kazazian V, Hahn C, Branson H, Miller SP. Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Spectrum: Severity-Stratified Analysis of Neuroimaging Modalities and Association with Neurodevelopmental Outcomes. J Pediatr 2023 Dec 5:266:113866.
Rusu B, Kukreja B, Wu T, Dan SJ, MY Feng, Kalish BT. Single Nucleus Multi-omics of the Down Syndrome Brain Identifies Accelerated Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Senescence. eNeuro 2023 Aug 23;10(8):ENEURO.0147-23.2023.
Meltzer S, Comeau K, Chirila A, Osei-Asente E, DeLisle M, Zhang Q, Kalish BT, Tasnim A, Huey E, Fuller L, Flaherty EK, Maniatis T, Garrett A, Weiner JA, and Ginty DD. Protocadherins control synapse formation and peripheral branching of touch sensory neurons. Neuron. 2023 Jun 7;111(11):1776-1794.e10.
Celik A, Somer M, Kukreja B, Wu T, Kalish BT. The Genomic Architecture of Pregnancy-Associated Plasticity in the Maternal Mouse Hippocampus. eNeuro. 2022 Sep 28;9(5):ENEURO.0117-22.2022.
Wu L, Kalish BT, Finander B, Cao T, Jin G, Yahya T, Levy E, Abram EL, Chung J, Lo E, Whalen A, Elkhoury J, Kaplan D, and Whalen M. Repetitive mild closed head injury in adolescent mice is associated with impaired proteostasis, neuroinflammation, and tauopathy. J Neurosci. EPub ahead of print. 2022 Mar 23;42(12):2418-2432.
Duffy EE*, Finander B, Choi G, Carter AC, Pritisanac I, Alam A, Luria V, Karger A, Phu W, Sherman MA, Khitun A, Crouch EE, Ganesh S, Berger B, Sestan N, O’Donnell-Luria A, Huang E, Griffith EC, Forman-Kay JD, Moses AM, Kalish BT* and Greenberg ME*. Developmental Dynamics of RNA Translation in the Human Brain. Nature Neuroscience. 2022 Oct;25(10):1353-1365. *Co-Corresponding Authors
Spyropoulos F, Michael Z, Finander B, Vitali S, Kosmas K, Zymaris P, Kalish BT, Kourembanas S, Christou H. Acetazolamide Improves Right Ventricular Function and Metabolic Gene Dysregulation in Experimental Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021. Jun 17.
Koenning M, Wang X, Karki M, Jangid RK, Kearns S, Tripathi DN, Cianfrocco M, Verhey KJ, Jung SY, Coarfa C, Ward CS, Kalish BT, Grimm SL, Rathmell WK, Mostany R, Dere R, Rasband MN, Walker CL, Park IY. Neuronal SETD2 activity links microtubule methylation to an anxiety-like phenotype in mice. Brain. 2021 May 20.
Matute J, Finander B, Pepin D, Ai X, Smith N, Li J, Edlow A, Villani A, Lerou P, Kalish BT. Single-cell immunophenotyping of the fetal immune response to maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection in late gestation. Res Sq (Preprint).
Kalish BT#*, Kim E*, Duffy-Lacy E, Finander B, Tong L, Choi GB, Greenberg ME, Huh J. Maternal immune activation disrupts proteostasis in the fetal brain. Nat Neurosci. 2021 Feb;24(2):204-213. #Corresponding Author *Authors contributed equally
Kalish BT, Barkat T, Diel EE, Greenberg ME, Hensch TK. Molecular diversity of the tonotopic critical period as revealed by single nuclear RNA sequencing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 May 26;117(21):11744-11752.
Tong L, Kalish BT. The impact of maternal obesity on childhood neurodevelopment. J Perinatal. 2020 Nov 8.
Howard TS, Kalish BT, Rajagopal SK, Williams K, Zalieckas J, Thiagarajan RR, Alexander PMA. Factors Associated With Mortality in Children Who Successfully Wean From Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. 2018 Sep 1; 19(9): 875-883.
Cheadle L, Tzeng CP, Kalish BT, Harmin DA, Rivera S, Ling E, Nagy MA, Hrvatin S, Hu L, Stroud H, Burkly LC, Chen C, Greenberg ME. Visual Experience-Dependent Expression of Fn14 Is Required for Retinogeniculate Refinement. Neuron. 2018 Aug 8; 99(3): 525-539.e10.
Myers SA, Wright J, Peckner R, Kalish BT, Zhang F, Carr SA. Discovery of proteins associated with a predefined genomic locus via dCas9-APEX-mediated proximity labeling. Nature Methods. 2018 Jun 1; 15(6): 437-439.
Kalish BT, Cheadle L, Hrvatin S, Nagy MA, Rivera S, Crow M, Gillis J, Kirchner R, Greenberg ME. Single-cell transcriptomics of the developing lateral geniculate nucleus reveals insights into circuit assembly and refinement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2018 Jan 30; 115(5): E1051-E1060.
Kalish BT, Angelidou A, Stewart J. Autism Spectrum Disorder in Preterm Children. Neoreviews. 2017 July; 18(7): e431-437.
Mackesy MM, Kalish BT, Tworetzky W, Sanders S, Al-Ibraheemi A, Wilkins-Haug L, Lock J, Marshall A, Benson CB. Sonographic Pulmonary Abnormalities in Fetuses With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Intact Atrial Septum Undergoing Attempted Atrial Septostomy In Utero. Ultrasound quarterly. 2017 Mar 1; 33(1): 82-85.
Kalish BT. Management of Neonatal Hypotension. Neonatal network : NN. 2017 Jan 1; 36(1): 40-47.
Selamet Tierney ES, McElhinney DB, Freud LR, Tworetzky W, Cuneo BF, Escobar-Diaz MC, Ikemba C, Kalish BT, Komarlu R, Levasseur SM, Puchalski MD, Satou GM, Silverman NH, Moon-Grady AJ. Assessment of Progressive Pathophysiology After Early Prenatal Diagnosis of the Ebstein Anomaly or Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia. The American journal of cardiology. 2017 Jan 1; 119(1): 106-111.
Howard TS, Kalish BT, Wigmore D, Nathan M, Kulik TJ, Kaza AK, Williams K, Thiagarajan RR. Association of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support Adequacy and Residual Lesions With Outcomes in Neonates Supported After Cardiac Surgery. Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. 2016 Nov 1; 17(11): 1045-1054. r
Kalish BT, Whalen MJ. Weight Drop Models in Traumatic Brain Injury. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2016 Jan 1; 1462: 193-209.
Stryjewski TP, Kalish BT, Silverman B, Lehmann L. The Impact of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) on Clinical Innovation: A Survey of Investigators and IRB Members. Journal of empirical research on human research ethics : JERHRE. 2015 Dec 1; 10(5): 481-7.
Kalish BT, Fell GL, Nandivada P, Puder M. Clinically Relevant Mechanisms of Lipid Synthesis, Transport, and Storage. JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition. 2015 Sep 1; 39(1 Suppl): 8S-17S.
Freud LR, Escobar-Diaz MC, Kalish BT, Komarlu R, Puchalski MD, Jaeggi ET, Szwast AL, Freire G, Levasseur SM, Kavanaugh-McHugh A, Michelfelder EC, Moon-Grady AJ, Donofrio MT, Howley LW, Tierney ES, Cuneo BF, Morris SA, Pruetz JD, van der Velde ME, Kovalchin JP, Ikemba CM, Vernon MM, Samai C, Satou GM, Gotteiner NL, et al. (29 authors). Outcomes and Predictors of Perinatal Mortality in Fetuses With Ebstein Anomaly or Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia in the Current Era: A Multicenter Study. Circulation. 2015 Aug 11; 132(6): 481-9.
Kalish BT, Matte A, Andolfo I, Iolascon A, Weinberg O, Ghigo A, Cimino J, Siciliano A, Hirsch E, Federti E, Puder M, Brugnara C, De Franceschi L. Dietary ω-3 fatty acids protect against vasculopathy in a transgenic mouse model of sickle cell disease. Haematologica. 2015 Jul 1; 100(7): 870-80. PubMed PMID: 25934765; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4486221. Principal Author
Baird CW, Myers PO, Borisuk M, Kalish BT, Hofferberth S, Nathan M, Emani SM, del Nido PJ. Takedown of cavopulmonary shunt at biventricular repair. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 2014 Oct 1; 148(4): 1506-11.
Escobar-Diaz MC, Friedman K, Salem Y, Marx GR, Kalish BT, Lafranchi T, Rathod RH, Emani S, Geva T, Tworetzky W. Perinatal and infant outcomes of prenatal diagnosis of heterotaxy syndrome (asplenia and polysplenia). The American journal of cardiology. 2014 Aug 15; 114(4): 612-7.
Dahlman JE, Barnes C, Khan O, Thiriot A, Jhunjunwala S, Shaw TE, Xing Y, Sager HB, Sahay G, Speciner L, Bader A, Bogorad RL, Yin H, Racie T, Dong Y, Jiang S, Seedorf D, Dave A, Sandu KS, Webber MJ, Novobrantseva T, Ruda VM, Lytton-Jean AKR, Levins CG, Kalish BT, et al. (43 authors). In vivo endothelial siRNA delivery using polymeric nanoparticles with low molecular weight. Nature nanotechnology. 2014 Aug 1; 9(8): 648-655.
Kalish BT, Rifas-Shiman SL, Wright RO, Amarasiriwardena CJ, Jayawardene I, Gillman MW, Lipshultz SE, Oken E. Associations of prenatal maternal blood mercury concentrations with early and mid-childhood blood pressure: a prospective study. Environmental research. 2014 Aug 1; 133: 327-33.
Kalish BT, Tworetzky W, Benson CB, Wilkins-Haug L, Mizrahi-Arnaud A, McElhinney DB, Lock JE, Marshall AC. Technical challenges of atrial septal stent placement in fetuses with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and intact atrial septum. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions. 2014 Jul 1; 84(1): 77-85.
Nehra D, Pan AH, Le HD, Fallon EM, Carlson SJ, Kalish BT, Puder M. Docosahexaenoic acid, G protein-coupled receptors, and melanoma: is G protein-coupled receptor 40 a potential therapeutic target? The Journal of surgical research. 2014 May 15; 188(2): 451-8.
Haut ER, Kalish BT, Cotton BA, Efron DT, Haider AH, Stevens KA, Kieninger AN, Cornwell, 3rd EE, Chang DC. Reply to letter: “Prehospital intravenous fluid administration is associated with higher mortality in trauma patients“. Annals of surgery. 2014 Feb 1; 259(2): e20-1.
Kalish BT, Le HD, Fitzgerald JM, Wang S, Seamon K, Gura KM, Gronert K, Puder M. Intravenous fish oil lipid emulsion promotes a shift toward anti-inflammatory proresolving lipid mediators. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology. 2013 Dec 1; 305(11): G818-28.
Kalish BT, Banka P, Lafranchi T, Tworetzky W, Del Nido P, Emani SM. Biventricular conversion after single ventricle palliation in patients with small left heart structures: short-term outcomes. The Annals of thoracic surgery. 2013 Oct 1; 96(4): 1406-1412.
Nehra D, Carlson SJ, Fallon EM, Kalish BT, Potemkin AK, Gura KM, Simpser E, Compher C, Puder M. A.S.P.E.N. clinical guidelines: nutrition support of neonatal patients at risk for metabolic bone disease. JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition. 2013 Sep 1; 37(5): 570-98.
Panigrahy D*, Kalish BT*, Huang S, Bielenberg DR, Le HD, Yang J, Edin ML, Lee C, Benny O, Mudge DK, Butterfield CE, Mammoto A, Mammoto T, Inceoglu B, Jenkins RL, Simpson MA, Akino T, Lih FB, Tomer KB, Ingber DE, Hammock BD, Falck JR, Manthati VL, Kaipainen A, D’Amore PA, et al. (28 authors). Epoxyeicosanoids promote organ and tissue regeneration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013 Aug 13; 110(33): 13528-33. *These authors contributed equally.
Kalish BT, Kieran M, Puder M, Panigrahy D. The growing role of eicosanoids in tissue regeneration, repair, and wound healing. Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators. 2013 Jul 1; 104-105: 130-8.
Le HD, Fallon EM, Kalish BT, de Meijer VE, Meisel JA, Gura KM, Nose V, Pan AH, Bistrian BR, Puder M. The effect of varying ratios of docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid in the prevention and reversal of biochemical essential fatty acid deficiency in a murine model. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. 2013 Apr 1; 62(4): 499-508.
de Meijer VE, Kalish BT, Meisel JA, Le HD, Puder M. Dietary fish oil aggravates paracetamol-induced liver injury in mice. JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition. 2013 Mar 1; 37(2): 268-73.
Carlson SJ, Fallon EM, Kalish BT, Gura KM, Puder M. The role of the ω-3 fatty acid DHA in the human life cycle. JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition. 2013 Jan 1; 37(1): 15-22.
Kalish BT, Vollmer CM, Kent TS, Nealon WH, Tseng JF, Callery MP. Quality assessment in pancreatic surgery: what might tomorrow require? Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 2013 Jan 1; 17(1): 86-93; discussion p.93.
Kalish BT, Le HD, Gura KM, Bistrian BR, Puder M. A metabolomic analysis of two intravenous lipid emulsions in a murine model. PloS one. 2013 Jan 1; 8(4): e59653.
Kalish BT, Fallon EM, Puder M. A tutorial on fatty acid biology. JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition. 2012 Jul 1; 36(4): 380-8.
Haukoos JS, White DA, Lyons MS, Hopkins E, Calderon Y, Kalish BT, Rothman RE. Operational methods of HIV testing in emergency departments: a systematic review. Annals of emergency medicine. 2011 Jul 1; 58(1 Suppl 1): S96-103.
Haukoos JS, Hopkins E, Hull A, Dean C, Donahoe K, Ruzas CM, Bauerle JD, Terrien B, Forsyth J, Kalish BT, Thrun M, Rothman R. HIV testing in emergency departments in the United States: a national survey. Annals of emergency medicine. 2011 Jul 1; 58(1 Suppl 1): S10-6.e1-8.
Haut ER, Kalish BT, Cotton BA, Efron DT, Haider AH, Stevens KA, Kieninger AN, Cornwell, 3rd EE, Chang DC. Prehospital intravenous fluid administration is associated with higher mortality in trauma patients: a National Trauma Data Bank analysis. Annals of surgery. 2011 Feb 1; 253(2): 371-7.
Nicksa GA, Yu DC, Kalish BT, Klein JD, Turner CG, Zurakowski D, Barnewolt CE, Fauza DO, Buchmiller TL. Serial amnioinfusions prevent fetal pulmonary hypoplasia in a large animal model of oligohydramnios. Journal of pediatric surgery. 2011 Jan 1; 46(1): 67-71.
de Meijer VE, Kalish BT, Puder M, Ijzermans JN. Systematic review and meta-analysis of steatosis as a risk factor in major hepatic resection. The British journal of surgery. 2010 Sep 1; 97(9): 1331-9. PubMed PMID: 20641066. Co-Author
Haut ER, Kalish BT, Efron DT, Haider AH, Stevens KA, Kieninger AN, Cornwell, 3rd EE, Chang DC. Spine immobilization in penetrating trauma: more harm than good? The Journal of trauma. 2010 Jan 1; 68(1): 115-20.
Kalish BT, Gaydos CA, Hsieh YH, Christensen BE, Carroll KC, Cannons A, Cattani JA, Rothman RE. National survey of Laboratory Response Network sentinel laboratory preparedness. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness. 2009 Jun 1; 3(2 Suppl): S17-23.
Lowther SA, Curriero FC, Kalish BT, Shields TM, Monze M, Moss WJ. Population immunity to measles virus and the effect of HIV-1 infection after a mass measles vaccination campaign in Lusaka, Zambia: a cross-sectional survey. Lancet (London, England). 2009 Mar 21; 373(9668): 1025-32.
Rothman RE, Kalish BT. Update on emerging infections: news from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. False-positive oral fluid rapid HIV tests–New York City, 2005-2008. Annals of emergency medicine. 2009 Jan 1; 53(1): 151-4; discussion 154-6.
*A complete and updated list of Dr. Kalish's publications can be found on PubMed.