
Research in the Division of Infectious Diseases includes both basic investigation and clinical research. The bench research in the division has the broad objective of elucidating basic mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis and the related host responses that mediate susceptibility to infection, host injury, and protective immunity. Investigation targets viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic pathogens of major significance in community acquired infections in the United States, in infections of immunocompromised hosts, and in global public health. Current projects include:

  • pathogen-host signaling in streptococcal infection
  • novel strategies for pneumococcal vaccines
  • enhancing innate and adaptive immunity in neonates
  • regulation of bacterial virulence gene expression
  • modeling cholera infection and host responses in Drosophila
  • HIV pathogenesis, immune response, and vaccine development
  • regulation of morphogenesis in Candida albicans
  • molecular approaches to malaria pathogenesis

Clinical research is focused in two broad areas: clinical trials in pediatric HIV and clinical epidemiology/clinical decision-making.

Researchers in the Division of Infectious Diseases hold faculty appointments at Harvard Medical School.