October 2012

Slice:Drop, our web-based viewer for medical imaging data was selected as one of the two strongest entries in "Visualizing.org's call for submissions for VisWeek 2012". Judges appreciated the project for its application in the healthcare domain and its usability. We will attend VisWeek 2012 in Seattle to present the project.

Winner Announcement

VisWeek 2012


October 2012

New Grant Award: Harvard Catalyst Award: PI Stephanie Jones, Investigators: Okada, Papadelis, Doshi and Ahtam., $50,000, total, 1 year 7/1/12-6/31/13 Congratulations!

New Grant Award: NSF EAGER grant: PI: Yoshio Okada, Funding start date anticipated for 11/1/2012. $300,000 total cost, 2 years, 11/1/12-10/31/14. Congratulations!


September 2012

Our submission to the NeuroInformatics conference in Munich "The X Toolkit: Neuroimaging in the Browser" was chosen as a spotlight by the conference committee (8 selected out of 151 accepted submissions). In addition to a demo session, Dan presented the project in a short 4-minute talk to all attendees.

NeuroInformatics 2012

Conference Abstract

Conference Poster


June 2012

On June 11, 2012, Mathieu Dehaes PhD, was awarded a grant from the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, a Harvard Medical School Endowment Fund, to assess and monitor response to therapeutic hypothermia in neonatal hypoxic ischemic brain injury.

Our project Slice:Drop won the 2nd place in Mozilla's Dev Derby for WebGL.

Hearst Foundation


March 2012

Dan presented "WebGL for Baby Brains: Neuroimaging in the Browser" at the WebGL Camp in Orlando featuring highlights of our research regarding innovative visualization techniques to accelerate open science.



February 2012

The FNNDSC's Emi Takahashi has been awarded an R21 grant [Takahashi R21HD069001 (03/01/12-02/29/14)] from the NICHD with two years of funding: Development of Brain Connectivity in the Human Fetus, to optimize and utilize high-angular resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tractography to determine the time course of development and emerging regional variations of brain connectivity in the human fetus. CONGRATULATIONS Emi!

Welcome to our new Research Software Engineer and Systems Administrator: Nicolas Rannou.

New paper: Pei-Yi Lin, Nadege Roche-Labarbe, Mathieu Dehaes, Angela Fenoglio, P. Ellen Grant, Maria Angela Franceschini, Regional and Hemispheric Asymmetries of Cerebral Hemodynamic and Oxygen Metabolism in Newborns, Cerebral Cortex 2012. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs023


October 2011

The FNNDSC's Mathieu Dehaes, PhD has been awarded a grant by the Goldenson Fund distributed by Harvard Medical School to explore cerebral palsy in neonatal congenital heart disease with optical techniques. Congratulations to Mathieu!

The Goldenson Fund


September 2011

FNNDSC bids a fond farewell to Danielle Sliva, as she becomes a full time student in the Boston University Masters of Arts in Bioimaging program. Danielle was a wonderful co-worker, and a wonderful person. We're all going to miss having her around!


June 2011

Our researcher, Tomo Tarui, MD is featured in Neurology Today: On Fighting Disease in the Earliest Developing Brain

» Neurology Today


May 2011

In May, Dr. Myong-Sun Choe was dispatched to the Watanoha district of Ishinomaki City after the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011. She aided in medical relief activity with the Japan Heart Team. As a pediatrician, she was able to play an active role in helping the children who were affected by the disaster.

Congratulations to Kiho Im, PhD for winning 3rd prize in the Neurology: Human Brain Disorders poster section at the 19th Annual Meeting of The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) in Montreal! Click here to see Kiho's award-winning poster- A Graph Matching-Based Sulcal Pattern Analysis: Application to the Study of Twin Brains

Our lab was featured in The Boston Globe: Babies enlisted in brain research - The Boston Globe

Another article in Vector: Boston Children's Hospital's science and clinical innovation blog featuring our lab: Early brain checkups - Vector


April 2011

Welcome home to Tomo Tarui, who traveled as part of the Tokushukai Medical Aid Team (TMAT) to Minami-sanriku Chou, Japan, to provide care for victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami.


March 2011

Our director, Ellen Grant was featured in a video talking about our research to better understand newborn and fetal brains inVector: Boston Children's Hospital's science and clinical innovation blog.

» Video in Vector


October 2010

Another article in The Boston Globe about our research: On a quest to map the brain's hidden territory


August 2009

Our research was featured in The Boston Globe: Unfolding the mysteries of the brain

The Boston Globe