
We invite you to read more about our work, and learn how your family can help us to better understand Autism Spectrum Disorders and other related disorders.

About Us

The Developmental Research Program (DRP) is a group of doctors and researchers from the Division of Developmental Medicine, Division of Genetics, and Program in Genomics at Boston Children's Hospital.

We are working together to gain a better understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) - which include autism, PDD-NOS, and Asperger's syndrome - and related disorders. We hope that our research will eventually lead to a better understanding of why ASD occurs, and will help doctors to diagnose patients with ASD at an earlier age. We also hope that our work will lead to better treatments for ASD and better outcomes for children with ASD and their families.

Our main research studies focus on the genetic and environmental causes of ASD and related disorders. In addition, members of the DRP are working on a number of other projects looking at the adjustment of siblings of individuals with ASD, behavioral difficulties occurring in children with autism, and sleep difficulties experienced by children with ASD, among others.

The Developmental Research Program partners with other research groups from the Boston area, as well as from across North America. These groups include the Boston-based Autism Consortium, the Simons Foundation and the National Institute of Mental Health. These collaborations have already started to produce some exciting results, and we are eager to see what the coming months and years will bring.

Autism spectrum disorders have a profound impact on families from all walks of life, but with the help of our colleagues and - most importantly - our study participants, we believe that answers are possible.

Learn how you can help

Contact Us

If you are interested in participating in a research study, or would like more information about the Developmental Research Program at Boston Children's Hospital, please contact us. We appreciate your interest and your feedback!

Local: 617-355-3076
Toll-free: 1-866-982-5826