The Adolescent Assessment of Preparation for Transition (ADAPT) survey is a validated, youth-reported measure of the quality of health care transition (HCT) preparation designed to be completed by 16- and 17-year-old patients receiving care from a pediatric-focused provider. It was designed and validated for use among youth with chronic health conditions. Its purpose is to measure the quality of transition preparation based on youth reports of whether specific, recommended aspects of care were received. Three composite scores summarize responses in key domains of HCT preparation:

  1. Counseling on Transition Self-Management
  2. Counseling on Prescription Medication
  3. Transfer Planning

Downloads & Contact Information

Please provide your name and email address to receive a copy of the ADAPT materials from CEPQM. These materials include:

  • An overview of the development of the ADAPT survey
  • Instructions on generating a sample frame
  • Protocols for collecting and cleaning data
  • Protocols for calculating response rate and measure composite scores
  • ADAPT surveys in English and Spanish
  • Mailed survey materials in English and Spanish
  • Decision rules and coding guidelines

Those interested in learning more about the ADAPT survey may contact