
Decorative image for Cardiology Research page

The Department of Cardiology's research programs are dedicated to improving the diagnosis, treatment, and care of children and adults who have heart disease. Our work builds on a long history of remarkable innovation at Boston Children’s, including the first pediatric heart surgery in 1938 and the first fetal cardiac intervention in 2001. Our research has shaped pediatric heart care all over the world, and we’ll always strive to make a difference.

Basic and translational research

The Basic & Translational Research Program seeks to discover fundamental mechanisms of cardiovascular development and disease, and to use that knowledge to develop novel therapy for our patients. To find out how we’re aiming to better understand the underpinnings of heart disease, please visit our please visit our Basic & Translational Research page.

Clinical research

The Clinical Research Program explores the effectiveness and safety of new and improved approaches and techniques for diagnosing and treating cardiovascular patients. To discover how we’re always trying to better care for children and adults who have heart disease, please visit our Clinical Research Program page.


The Department of Cardiology is committed to training the next generation of researchers in pediatric cardiovascular disease. To learn more about the program and the application process, please visit our Cardiology Research Training page.