Touch Sensation Testing
When do you feel a light touch? When does it feel sharp? We can examine touch and sharp sensations. To do this, we use a series of thin fibers called von Frey hairs. Each fiber has a different weight, some are light (like a feather) and some are heavy. The hairs are gradually brought into contact with the skin until you “begin to feel something” or when the sensation first becomes “sharp like a pin-prick”.
Vibration Sensation Testing
A computer controlled vibrometer is used to measure vibration sensation. A small flat disc, the size of a dime, and attached to a hand-held probe, is gradually brought into contact with the skin. The disc moves very subtly from side to side, and increases in speed. When you begin to feel a “buzzing” sensation, you will press a button to stop the disc moving and the computer will give a read out of your vibration sensitivity.
Pressure Sensation Testing
A pressure algometer is used to look at pressure sensation. A small flat disc, the size of a dime, and attached to a hand-held probe, is gradually brought into contact with the skin. This allows us to look at how pressure-sensing nerve fibers located deep beneath the skin’s surface respond.
Temperature Sensation Testing
When does something feel warm versus hot? We place a computer-operated thermode on to the skin. The thermode temperature is slowly increased (or decreased) until you begin to feel a warm, cool, hot or cold sensation. When you begin to feel a specific thermal sensation, you will press a button to stop the thermode and the computer will give a read out of your temperature sensitivity.
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