Research Overview

Michael Monuteaux's principal research interest is in the epidemiology and prevention of violent injuries, especially in children.  The goal of this work is to reduce the clinical and public health burden imposed by these injuries.  He studies the incidence and risk factors for emergency department visits for violent injuries in children and adults, identifying subgroups of patients that may benefit from prevention and intervention efforts.  Monuteaux and colleagues are also studying risk factors for firearm injuries throughout the United States.  They have identified associations between firearm legislation and firearm deaths, and the incidence of firearm ownership and violent crime.


Research Background

Dr. Monuteaux is the Senior Epidemiologist and Biostatistician of the Division of Emergency Medicine. In this role, he is responsible for supporting research projects across a variety of clinical topics relevant to the emergency care of children. He contributes to the design and analysis of observational cohorts and clinical trials as well as research grant applications. He also collaborates with a wide array of physician investigators and participates in teaching biostatistics and research methodology to fellows, and in the mentoring of fellows and junior faculty. He also serves as the Assistant Director of the Biostatistics and Research Design Center at the Institutional Centers for Clinical and Translational Research. He supports a group of biostatisticians and methodologists who collaborate with clinical investigators throughout Boston Children's Hospital.


Contact Michael Monuteaux