



Landmark Classification on Mars Orbital Images

Mars landmarks


Applying many different classifiers to perform landmark

classification on mars orbital images




High Resolution Image Reconstruction

Tractography results of  the low and high resolution images



High Resolution Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using Rotated K-space Snapshots



EPI-Distortion Correction of Brain Images


Performance Assessment of EPI-Distortion Correction of Brain Images; Which Plane and Phase Encoding Direction Should be Chosen? [ISMRM2017]


Harmonizing diffusion MRI data

Harmonizing diffusion MRI data across multiple sites and scanners [[MICCAI 2015]]

Inter-site and inter-scanner diffusion MRI data harmonization [[Neuroimage 2016]]

Multi-site harmonization of diffusion MRI data in a registration framework [BIBJ2016]




Skin lesion tracking and classification systems

Computational techniques for skin lesion tracking and classification [Thesis] [MIA 2015]



Jacobian based Descriptors for Topology Preservation

Skin Lesion Matching using Jacobian based Descriptors for Topology Preservation, ISBI 2015 [PDF][Poster].



Cephalometric Landmark Detection

Automatic Globally-Optimal Pictorial Structures with Random Decision Forest Based Likelihoods For Cephalometric X-Ray Landmark Detection, 3rd place in [ISBI 2014 competition.]. [TMI 2015] .



3D Object Segmentation using Statistical Shape Model

Vertebrea Segmentation on CT images, My project at Siemens Corporate research, 2012. Invention disclosure has been sent to the patent department.



Point Matching

Uncertainty-based Feature Learning for Skin Lesion Matching using a High Order MRF Optimization Framework. In MICCAI, 2012, [PDF].

Graph-based Approach to Skin Mole Matching Incorporating Template-Normalized Coordinates. In IEEE CVPR, 2009, [PDF].



Vessel Scale Selection

Vessel Scale Selection using MRF Optimization. In IEEE CVPR, 2010, [PDF].



Tubular Object Segmentation

MRF-based Hair Segmentation in Dermoscopic Images using Dual-Channel Quaternion Tubularness Filters, will be submitted.



Feature Extraction and Classification

Learning Features for Streak Detection in Dermoscopic Color Images using Localized Radial Flux of Principal Intensity Curvature. In IEEE MMBIA, 2012, [PDF].



Motion Correction in Medical Imaging

Iterative Segmentation and Motion Correction for Dynamic PET Images based on Radioactive Tracer Kinetics. In IEEE MMBIA, 20



3D Shape Analysis and Classification

3D Shape Analysis of the Knee Extensor and Flexor Muscles in Patients with COPD using Mesh Projection-based Features. In MICCAI MeshMed, 2011, [PDF].



Image Segmentation and Enhancement

"Pre-processing Algorithms on Digital Mammograms", IAPR MVA, 2007.

"Various Applying of Wavelet Transform in Digital Mammograms for Detecting Masses and Microcalsifications", IAPR MVA, 2007.

"Breast Contour Detection on Digital Mammograms", IEEE ICTTA, 2006.



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