
Postdoctoral research fellow. Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital, USA, 03/2016-present.
Postdoctoral research fellow. Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, USA, 11/2014-03/2016.
Internship at SIEMENS corrporate research, Germany, 2012.
Internship at MCKESSON, Canada, 2012.


Ph.D. School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada, 2009-2014.
M.Sc. School of Electrical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2006.
B.Sc. School of Electrical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2003.
High School Diploma. Mathematics and Physics, Farzanegane-Amin High School NODET (National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents) , Isfahan , Iran, 1999.

Invention Disclosure& Patent

Hengameh Mirzaalian, Michael Wels, Michael Kelm, Michael Suhling, Tobias Heimann, Fast and Robust 3D Vertebrae Segmentation using Statistical Shape Model. Siemens Corporate Research and Technologies, Germany, 2012.


Please find the list of my publications here.


Ebco Eppich Graduate Scholarship, 2013.
SFU Travel Award, 2013.
SFU Graduate Fellowship, Fall 2012.
European Commission scholarship, 2012.
SFU Travel Award, 2012.
Ebco/Eppich Graduate Scholarships in Intelligent Systems, 2012.
SFU Travel Award, 2011.
European Commission scholarship, 2011.
SFU Graduate Fellowship, Summer 2011.
SFU Travel Award, 2010.
CIHR Skin Research Training Center scholarship,2009.
BCCA/MSFHR Infrastructure grant supported studentships, 2009.
SFU Travel Award, 2009.
Selected in National Scientific Students Organization of Electrical Engineering as the best students thesis of the year, Iran, 2007.
Awarded by Iran Telecommunication Research Center for M.Sc. Thesis Amirkabir University of Techology, Tehran, Iran, 2006.
Selected in Modern Technology group of 12th Razi Research Festival on Medical Science, 2006.
Member of the Outstanding Foundation Group, Iran, 2006.

Invited talks

Gabrieli lab, MIT, 11/23/2015.
Psychiatry neuroimaging lab, Harvard medical school and Brigham Women hospital, Boston, US, 09/14/2015.
Siemens Healthcare, Philadelphia, US, 03/10/2015.
Psychiatry neuroimaging lab, Harvard medical school and Brigham Women hospital,Boston, US, 05/19/2014.
Medical Image and Signal Processing Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, 2014.