Mobile Health Assessments

A longstanding barrier to progress, both in clinical settings and pediatric pain research, has been the fundamental difficulty of accurately assessing behavioral and functional outcomes in a continuous, nonobtrusive, and objective fashion. In a series of studies, we are testing the usage of wearable and smartphone sensors to reliably and consistently assess important outcomes in both our post-surgical settings and the patient’s natural settings, such as behavioral patterns, sleep, pain, physical mobility, gross motor activity, energy expenditure and cognitive functioning. 


Sample Publications:

Kelleher S, Cravero J, Baumer A, Bertisch S, Kossowsky J (2020). Monitoring sleep and activity using wearable devices in post-surgical pediatric patients: a pilot study. Society for Technology in Anesthesia, Austin, USA.

Lee-Archer PF, Kossowsky J, Cravero JP. If the watch fits-Wear it. Paediatr Anaesth. 2020 May;30(5):518-519. PubMed PMID: 32500966.