PHet: Heterogeneity-preserving discriminative feature selection for subtype discovery |
MARS-Net: Deep learning-based segmentation pipeline for profiling cellular morphodynamics from multiple types of live cell microscopy
FNA-Net: Screening adequacy of unstained thyroid fine needle aspiration samples using a deep learning-based classifier
Contour Tracking: Unsupervised contour tracking of live cells
DeepHACKS: Deep phenotyping of subcellular dynamics using deep learning
HACKS: Deconvolution of subcellular protrusion heterogeneity from live cell imaging
HoloNet: Deep learning-based phenotyping using hologram biomarkers
HoloDiagnosis: Deep transfer learning-based hologram classification for molecular diagnostics
HETEROID: A machine learning pipeline revealing heterogeneous responses to drug perturbations on vascular smooth muscle cell spheroid morphology and formation