A Still-face Paradigm for Young Children: 2(1/2) Year-olds' Reactions to Maternal Unavailability during the Still-face


Weinberg, M KatherineBeeghly, MarjorieOlson, Karen LTronick, EdR01 HD048841-02/HD/NICHD NIH HHS/United StatesJ Dev Process. 2008 Spring;3(1):4-22.


This study evaluated similarities and differences in 2(1/2) year-old children's reactions to maternal unavailability during a brief still-face episode and subsequent resumption of social interaction during a reunion episode. Seventy mothers and children were videotaped in the Toddler Still-Face paradigm (T-SF), an age appropriate adaptation of the Face-to-Face Still-Face paradigm. Similar to their younger counterparts, 2(1/2) year-olds displayed the traditional "still-face effect," including an increase in negative affect, gaze aversion, and a wide array of behaviors indicative of proximity seeking to the mother, solicitation of her attention, and avoidance and a "reunion effect," characterized by a carryover of negative affect and avoidance behavior (e.g., moving away from the mother) from the still-face episode to the reunion play episode. However, differences in toddlers' behaviors during the still-face and reunion episodes were also observed, which highlight age-related changes in the toddlers' ability to cope with the stress of maternal unavailability during the still-face during the third year of life. Contrary to reports for younger infants, few gender differences were found in toddlers' reactions to the still-face. The findings support the hypothesis that the toddlers are attempting to make meaning out of an unexpected and senseless event.
Last updated on 02/25/2023