Data Management

BCH Cell Function and Imaging Core Data Storage Policy, December 3rd 2021

The CFIC data storage infrastructure is a very fast. large on-site data storage pool provided by BCH research computing as well as a local lower capacity workstation hereby known as the CFIC workstation. These storages are REPLICATED. This storage is not intended to be used for long term storage/ archiving of data. Its intension is for short/medium term storage to enable enough time to process, analyze and transfer data. The data storage policy rules are defined in detail below.

Storage Pipeline

  1. The enders 613 CFIC workstation is intended as a short-term storage system, in order to use process data with software that is on that computer. Files may be transferred to its data drives for faster analysis and or processing. Files older than 30 days will be automatically deleted from this computer. They may be reloaded onto it, but that is again subject to the 30-day deletion policy. This process is AUTOMATIC, so please take that into consideration. This workstation is for Airy scan processing of LSM data and data analysis with Aivia.
  2. Your data will be copied from the 613 CFIC workstation into the on-site storage pool at midnight every night.
  3. The CFIC will maintain a replicated copy of your data in the on-site storage pool for 6 months at which point it will be automatically deleted. Please make sure to transfer your data to a long term storage solution before this time point. 
  4. Any imaging sessions that are expected to exceed 500gb of storage in said session must contact Michael Anderson at to go over experiment details to make sure that such a large data is needed and to make sure that the storage systems will be ready for a such a large data set when the experiment occurs.
  5. Any issues with the on-site storage should be directed to Michael Anderson at

Folder Naming Conventions

  1. Highest tier folders shall always be the full name of the PI (lab members may have sub folders).
  2. All file naming and sub folder naming structure is up to the individual users to determine.

Getting Access

  1. Each user will be added if they are trained on an Enders 613 microscope (diSPIM, LSM 880, spinning disk). 
  2. Use of any cluster computer programs to process and or analyze stored data requires an E2 account (different than BCH account). Inquire with research computing at to get an E2 account.


  1. You will have access to many different labs data. While the storage pool itself is very secure, it is on the honor system for everyone who has access to the pool to only access and transfer their own data, unless explicit permission has been given!