


Haas D, Lai D, Sharma S, Then J, Kho A, Flockhart D, Tantisira K, Foroud T. Steroid Pathway Genes and Neonatal Respiratory Distress After Betamethasone Use in Anticipated Preterm Birth. Reprod Sci. 2016;23(5):680–6. doi:10.1177/1933719115612129
OBJECTIVE: To test several key glucocorticoid genes that are enhanced in lung development for associations with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) after antenatal corticosteroid use. METHODS: A prospective cohort of women received betamethasone to accelerate fetal lung maturity for threatened preterm delivery. DNA was obtained from mothers and newborns. Neonatal RDS was the primary outcome. Genotyping for single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 68 glucocorticoid genes found to be differentially expressed during lung development was performed. Multivariable analysis tested for associations of SNPs in the candidate genes with RDS. RESULTS: Genotypic results for 867 SNPs in 96 mothers and 73 babies were included. Thirty-nine (53.4%) babies developed RDS. Maternal SNPs in the centromeric protein E (CENPE), GLRX, CD9, and AURKA genes provided evidence of association with RDS (P .01). In newborns, SNPs in COL4A3, BHLHE40, and SRGN provided evidence of association with RDS (P .01). CONCLUSION: Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in several glucocorticoid responsive genes suggest association with neonatal RDS after antenatal corticosteroid use.
Kho A, Chhabra D, Sharma S, Qiu W, Carey V, Gaedigk R, Vyhlidal C, Leeder S, Tantisira K, Weiss S. Age, Sexual Dimorphism, and Disease Associations in the Developing Human Fetal Lung Transcriptome. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2016;54(6):814–21. doi:10.1165/rcmb.2015-0326OC
The fetal origins of disease hypothesis suggests that variations in the course of prenatal lung development may affect life-long pulmonary function growth, decline, and pathobiology. Many studies support the existence of differences in the developing lung trajectory in males and females, and sex-specific differences in the prevalence of chronic lung diseases, such as asthma and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The objectives of this study were to investigate the early developing fetal lung for transcriptomic correlates of postconception age (maturity) and sex, and their associations with chronic lung diseases. We analyzed whole-lung transcriptome profiles of 61 females and 78 males at 54-127 days postconception (dpc) from nonsmoking mothers using unsupervised principal component analysis and supervised linear regression models. We identified dominant transcriptomic correlates for postconception age and sex with corresponding gene sets that were enriched for developing lung structural and functional ontologies. We observed that the transcriptomic sex difference was not a uniform global time shift/lag, rather, lungs of males appear to be more mature than those of females before 96 dpc, and females appear to be more mature than males after 96 dpc. The age correlate gene set was consistently enriched for asthma and bronchopulmonary dysplasia genes, but the sex correlate gene sets were not. Despite sex differences in the developing fetal lung transcriptome, postconception age appears to be more dominant than sex in the effect of early fetal lung developments on disease risk during this early pseudoglandular phase of development.
McGeachie M, Yates K, Zhou X, Guo F, Sternberg A, Van Natta M, Wise R, Szefler S, Sharma S, Kho A, et al. Patterns of Growth and Decline in Lung Function in Persistent Childhood Asthma. N Engl J Med. 2016;374(19):1842–52. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1513737
BACKGROUND: Tracking longitudinal measurements of growth and decline in lung function in patients with persistent childhood asthma may reveal links between asthma and subsequent chronic airflow obstruction. METHODS: We classified children with asthma according to four characteristic patterns of lung-function growth and decline on the basis of graphs showing forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), representing spirometric measurements performed from childhood into adulthood. Risk factors associated with abnormal patterns were also examined. To define normal values, we used FEV1 values from participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey who did not have asthma. RESULTS: Of the 684 study participants, 170 (25%) had a normal pattern of lung-function growth without early decline, and 514 (75%) had abnormal patterns: 176 (26%) had reduced growth and an early decline, 160 (23%) had reduced growth only, and 178 (26%) had normal growth and an early decline. Lower baseline values for FEV1, smaller bronchodilator response, airway hyperresponsiveness at baseline, and male sex were associated with reduced growth (P0.001 for all comparisons). At the last spirometric measurement (mean [±SD] age, 26.0±1.8 years), 73 participants (11%) met Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease spirometric criteria for lung-function impairment that was consistent with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); these participants were more likely to have a reduced pattern of growth than a normal pattern (18% vs. 3%, P0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Childhood impairment of lung function and male sex were the most significant predictors of abnormal longitudinal patterns of lung-function growth and decline. Children with persistent asthma and reduced growth of lung function are at increased risk for fixed airflow obstruction and possibly COPD in early adulthood. (Funded by the Parker B. Francis Foundation and others; number, NCT00000575.).
Oh D-Y, Dowling D, Ahmed S, Choi H, Brightman S, Bergelson I, Berger S, Sauld J, Pettengill M, Kho A, et al. Adjuvant-induced Human Monocyte Secretome Profiles Reveal Adjuvant- and Age-specific Protein Signatures. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2016;15(6):1877–94. doi:10.1074/mcp.M115.055541
Adjuvants boost vaccine responses, enhancing protective immunity against infections that are most common among the very young. Many adjuvants activate innate immunity, some via Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs), whose activities varies with age. Accordingly, characterization of age-specific adjuvant-induced immune responses may inform rational adjuvant design targeting vulnerable populations. In this study, we employed proteomics to characterize the adjuvant-induced changes of secretomes from human newborn and adult monocytes in response to Alum, the most commonly used adjuvant in licensed vaccines; Monophosphoryl Lipid A (MPLA), a TLR4-activating adjuvant component of a licensed Human Papilloma Virus vaccine; and R848 an imidazoquinoline TLR7/8 agonist that is a candidate adjuvant for early life vaccines. Monocytes were incubated in vitro for 24 h with vehicle, Alum, MPLA, or R848 and supernatants collected for proteomic analysis employing liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) (data available via ProteomeXchange, ID PXD003534). 1894 non-redundant proteins were identified, of which ∼30 - 40% were common to all treatment conditions and ∼5% were treatment-specific. Adjuvant-stimulated secretome profiles, as identified by cluster analyses of over-represented proteins, varied with age and adjuvant type. Adjuvants, especially Alum, activated multiple innate immune pathways as assessed by functional enrichment analyses. Release of lactoferrin, pentraxin 3, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 was confirmed in newborn and adult whole blood and blood monocytes stimulated with adjuvants alone or adjuvanted licensed vaccines with distinct clinical reactogenicity profiles. MPLA-induced adult monocyte secretome profiles correlated in silico with transcriptome profiles induced in adults immunized with the MPLA-adjuvanted RTS,S malaria vaccine (Mosquirix™). Overall, adjuvants such as Alum, MPLA and R848 give rise to distinct and age-specific monocyte secretome profiles, paralleling responses to adjuvant-containing vaccines in vivo Age-specific in vitro modeling coupled with proteomics may provide fresh insight into the ontogeny of adjuvant action thereby informing targeted adjuvanted vaccine development for distinct age groups.


Prilutsky D, Kho A, Palmer N, Bhakar A, Smedemark-Margulies N, Kong SW, Margulies D, Bear M, Kohane I. Gene expression analysis in Fmr1KO mice identifies an immunological signature in brain tissue and mGluR5-related signaling in primary neuronal cultures. Mol Autism. 2015;6:66. doi:10.1186/s13229-015-0061-9
BACKGROUND: Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder whose biochemical manifestations involve dysregulation of mGluR5-dependent pathways, which are widely modeled using cultured neurons. In vitro phenotypes in cultured neurons using standard morphological, functional, and chemical approaches have demonstrated considerable variability. Here, we study transcriptomes obtained in situ in the intact brain tissues of a murine model of FXS to see how they reflect the in vitro state. METHODS: We used genome-wide mRNA expression profiling as a robust characterization tool for studying differentially expressed pathways in fragile X mental retardation 1 (Fmr1) knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) murine primary neuronal cultures and in embryonic hippocampal and cortical murine tissue. To study the developmental trajectory and to relate mouse model data to human data, we used an expression map of human development to plot murine differentially expressed genes in KO/WT cultures and brain. RESULTS: We found that transcriptomes from cell cultures showed a stronger signature of Fmr1KO than whole tissue transcriptomes. We observed an over-representation of immunological signaling pathways in embryonic Fmr1KO cortical and hippocampal tissues and over-represented mGluR5-downstream signaling pathways in Fmr1KO cortical and hippocampal primary cultures. Genes whose expression was up-regulated in Fmr1KO murine cultures tended to peak early in human development, whereas differentially expressed genes in embryonic cortical and hippocampal tissues clustered with genes expressed later in human development. CONCLUSIONS: The transcriptional profile in brain tissues primarily centered on immunological mechanisms, whereas the profiles from cell cultures showed defects in neuronal activity. We speculate that the isolation and culturing of neurons caused a shift in neurological transcriptome towards a "juvenile" or "de-differentiated" state. Moreover, cultured neurons lack the close coupling with glia that might be responsible for the immunological phenotype in the intact brain. Our results suggest that cultured cells may recapitulate an early phase of the disease, which is also less obscured with a consequent "immunological" phenotype and in vivo compensatory mechanisms observed in the embryonic brain. Together, these results suggest that the transcriptome of cultured primary neuronal cells, in comparison to whole brain tissue, more robustly demonstrated the difference between Fmr1KO and WT mice and might reveal a molecular phenotype, which is typically hidden by compensatory mechanisms present in vivo. Moreover, cultures might be useful for investigating the perturbed pathways in early human brain development and genes previously implicated in autism.
Sharma S, Kho A, Chhabra D, Qiu W, Gaedigk R, Vyhlidal C, Leeder S, Barraza-Villarreal A, London S, Gilliland F, et al. Glucocorticoid genes and the developmental origins of asthma susceptibility and treatment response. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2015;52(5):543–53. doi:10.1165/rcmb.2014-0109OC
Antenatal corticosteroids enhance lung maturation. However, the importance of glucocorticoid genes on early lung development, asthma susceptibility, and treatment response remains unknown. We investigated whether glucocorticoid genes are important during lung development and their role in asthma susceptibility and treatment response. We identified genes that were differentially expressed by corticosteroids in two of three genomic datasets: lymphoblastoid cell lines of participants in the Childhood Asthma Management Program, a glucocorticoid chromatin immunoprecipitation/RNA sequencing experiment, or a murine model; these genes made up the glucocorticoid gene set (GCGS). Using gene expression profiles from 38 human fetal lungs and C57BL/6J murine fetal lungs, we identified developmental genes that were in the top 5% of genes contributing to the top three principal components (PCs) most highly associated with post-conceptional age. Glucocorticoid genes that were enriched in this set of developmental genes were then included in the developmental glucocorticoid gene set (DGGS). We then investigated whether glucocorticoid genes are important during lung development, and their role in asthma susceptibility and treatment response. A total of 232 genes were included in the GCGS. Analysis of gene expression demonstrated that glucocorticoid genes were enriched in lung development (P = 7.02 × 10(-26)). The developmental GCGS was enriched for genes that were differentially expressed between subjects with asthma and control subjects (P = 4.26 × 10(-3)) and were enriched after treatment of subjects with asthma with inhaled corticosteroids (P 2.72 × 10(-4)). Our results show that glucocorticoid genes are overrepresented among genes implicated in fetal lung development. These genes influence asthma susceptibility and treatment response, suggesting their involvement in the early ontogeny of asthma.
Park J-A, Kim JH, Bi D, Mitchel J, Qazvini NT, Tantisira K, Park CY, McGill M, Kim S-H, Gweon B, et al. Unjamming and cell shape in the asthmatic airway epithelium. Nat Mater. 2015;14(10):1040–8. doi:10.1038/nmat4357
From coffee beans flowing in a chute to cells remodelling in a living tissue, a wide variety of close-packed collective systems-both inert and living-have the potential to jam. The collective can sometimes flow like a fluid or jam and rigidify like a solid. The unjammed-to-jammed transition remains poorly understood, however, and structural properties characterizing these phases remain unknown. Using primary human bronchial epithelial cells, we show that the jamming transition in asthma is linked to cell shape, thus establishing in that system a structural criterion for cell jamming. Surprisingly, the collapse of critical scaling predicts a counter-intuitive relationship between jamming, cell shape and cell-cell adhesive stresses that is borne out by direct experimental observations. Cell shape thus provides a rigorous structural signature for classification and investigation of bronchial epithelial layer jamming in asthma, and potentially in any process in disease or development in which epithelial dynamics play a prominent role.


Chhabra D, Sharma S, Kho A, Gaedigk R, Vyhlidal C, Leeder S, Morrow J, Carey V, Weiss S, Tantisira K, et al. Fetal lung and placental methylation is associated with in utero nicotine exposure. Epigenetics. 2014;9(11):1473–84. doi:10.4161/15592294.2014.971593
In utero smoke exposure has been shown to have detrimental effects on lung function and to be associated with persistent wheezing and asthma in children. One potential mechanism of IUS effects could be alterations in DNA methylation, which may have life-long implications. The goal of this study was to examine the association between DNA methylation and nicotine exposure in fetal lung and placental tissue in early development; nicotine exposure in this analysis represents a likely surrogate for in-utero smoke. We performed an epigenome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in fetal lung tissue (n = 85, 41 smoke exposed (48%), 44 controls) and the corresponding placental tissue samples (n = 80, 39 smoke exposed (49%), 41 controls) using the Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip array. Differential methylation analyses were conducted to evaluate the variation associated with nicotine exposure. The most significant CpG sites in the fetal lung analysis mapped to the PKP3 (P = 2.94 × 10(-03)), ANKRD33B (P = 3.12 × 10(-03)), CNTD2 (P = 4.9 × 10(-03)) and DPP10 (P = 5.43 × 10(-03)) genes. In the placental methylome, the most significant CpG sites mapped to the GTF2H2C and GTF2H2D genes (P = 2.87 × 10(-06) - 3.48 × 10(-05)). One hundred and one unique CpG sites with P-values 0.05 were concordant between lung and placental tissue analyses. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis demonstrated enrichment of specific disorders, such as asthma and immune disorders. Our findings demonstrate an association between in utero nicotine exposure and variable DNA methylation in fetal lung and placental tissues, suggesting a role for DNA methylation variation in the fetal origins of chronic diseases.
Sharma S, Chhabra D, Kho A, Hayden L, Tantisira K, Weiss S. The genomic origins of asthma. Thorax. 2014;69(5):481–7. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2014-205166
Lung function tracks from the earliest age that it can be reliably measured. Genome wide association studies suggest that most variants identified for common complex traits are regulatory in function and active during fetal development. Fetal programming of gene expression during development is critical to the formation of a normal lung. An understanding of how fetal developmental genes related to diseases of the lungs and airways is a critical area for research. This review article considers the developmental origins hypothesis, the stages of normal lung development and a variety of environmental exposures that might influence the developmental process: in utero cigarette smoke exposure, vitamin D and folate. We conclude with some information on developmental genes and asthma.