

Kho A, Sharma S, Qiu W, Gaedigk R, Klanderman B, Niu S, Anderson C, Leeder J, Weiss S, Tantisira K. Vitamin D related genes in lung development and asthma pathogenesis. BMC Med Genomics. 2013;6:47. doi:10.1186/1755-8794-6-47
BACKGROUND: Poor maternal vitamin D intake is a risk factor for subsequent childhood asthma, suggesting that in utero changes related to vitamin D responsive genes might play a crucial role in later disease susceptibility. We hypothesized that vitamin D pathway genes are developmentally active in the fetal lung and that these developmental genes would be associated with asthma susceptibility and regulation in asthma. METHODS: Vitamin D pathway genes were derived from PubMed and Gene Ontology surveys. Principal component analysis was used to identify characteristic lung development genes. RESULTS: Vitamin D regulated genes were markedly over-represented in normal human (odds ratio OR 2.15, 95% confidence interval CI: 1.69-2.74) and mouse (OR 2.68, 95% CI: 2.12-3.39) developing lung transcriptomes. 38 vitamin D pathway genes were in both developing lung transcriptomes with >63% of genes more highly expressed in the later than earlier stages of development. In immortalized B-cells derived from 95 asthmatics and their unaffected siblings, 12 of the 38 (31.6%) vitamin D pathway lung development genes were significantly differentially expressed (OR 3.00, 95% CI: 1.43-6.21), whereas 11 (29%) genes were significantly differentially expressed in 43 control versus vitamin D treated immortalized B-cells from Childhood Asthma Management Program subjects (OR 2.62, 95% CI: 1.22-5.50). 4 genes, LAMP3, PIP5K1B, SCARB2 and TXNIP were identified in both groups; each displays significant biologic plausibility for a role in asthma. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate a significant association between early lung development and asthma-related phenotypes for vitamin D pathway genes, supporting a genomic mechanistic basis for the epidemiologic observations relating maternal vitamin D intake and childhood asthma susceptibility.
Kho A, Liu K, Visner G, Martin T, Boudreault F. Identification of dedifferentiation and redevelopment phases during postpneumonectomy lung growth. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2013;305(8):L542–54. doi:10.1152/ajplung.00403.2012
Surgical resection of pulmonary tissue exerts a proregenerative stretch stimulus in the remaining lung units. Whether this regeneration process reenacts part or whole of lung morphogenesis developmental program remains unclear. To address this question, we analyzed the stretch-induced regenerating lung transcriptome in mice after left pneumonectomy (PNX) in its developmental context. We created a C57BL/6 mice lung regeneration transcriptome time course at 3, 7, 14, 28, and 56 days post-PNX, profiling the cardiac and medial lobes and whole right lung. Prominent expression at days 3 and 7 of genes related to cell proliferation (Ccnb1, Bub1, and Cdk1), extracellular matrix (Col1a1, Eln, and Tnc), and proteases (Serpinb2 and Mmp9) indicated regenerative processes that tapered off after 56 days. We projected the post-PNX transcriptomic time course into the transcriptomic principal component space of the C57BL/6 mouse developing lungs time series from embryonic day 9.5 to postnatal day 56. All post-PNX samples were localized around the late postnatal stage of developing lungs. Shortly after PNX, the temporal trajectory of regenerating lobes and right lung reversed course relative to the developing lungs in a process reminiscent of dedifferentiation. This reversal was limited to the later postnatal stage of lung development. The post-PNX temporal trajectory then moves forward in lung development time close to its pre-PNX state after days 28 to 56 in a process resembling redevelopment. A plausible interpretation is that remaining pulmonary tissue reverts to a more primitive stage of development with higher potential for growth to generate tissue in proportion to the loss.
Alexander M, Kawahara, Motohashi, Casar, Eisenberg, Myers, Gasperini, Estrella, Kho, Mitsuhashi, et al. MicroRNA-199a is induced in dystrophic muscle and affects WNT signaling, cell proliferation, and myogenic differentiation. Cell Death Differ. 2013;20(9):1194–208. doi:10.1038/cdd.2013.62
In patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), the absence of a functional dystrophin protein results in sarcolemmal instability, abnormal calcium signaling, cardiomyopathy, and skeletal muscle degeneration. Using the dystrophin-deficient sapje zebrafish model, we have identified microRNAs (miRNAs) that, in comparison to our previous findings in human DMD muscle biopsies, are uniquely dysregulated in dystrophic muscle across vertebrate species. MiR-199a-5p is dysregulated in dystrophin-deficient zebrafish, mdx(5cv) mice, and human muscle biopsies. MiR-199a-5p mature miRNA sequences are transcribed from stem loop precursor miRNAs that are found within the introns of the dynamin-2 and dynamin-3 loci. The miR-199a-2 stem loop precursor transcript that gives rise to the miR-199a-5p mature transcript was found to be elevated in human dystrophic muscle. The levels of expression of miR-199a-5p are regulated in a serum response factor (SRF)-dependent manner along with myocardin-related transcription factors. Inhibition of SRF-signaling reduces miR-199a-5p transcript levels during myogenic differentiation. Manipulation of miR-199a-5p expression in human primary myoblasts and myotubes resulted in dramatic changes in cellular size, proliferation, and differentiation. MiR-199a-5p targets several myogenic cell proliferation and differentiation regulatory factors within the WNT signaling pathway, including FZD4, JAG1, and WNT2. Overexpression of miR-199a-5p in the muscles of transgenic zebrafish resulted in abnormal myofiber disruption and sarcolemmal membrane detachment, pericardial edema, and lethality. Together, these studies identify miR-199a-5p as a potential regulator of myogenesis through suppression of WNT-signaling factors that act to balance myogenic cell proliferation and differentiation.


Patel N, Bole M, Chen C, Hardin C, Kho A, Mih J, Deng L, Butler J, Tschumperlin D, Fredberg J, et al. Cell elasticity determines macrophage function. PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e41024. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041024
Macrophages serve to maintain organ homeostasis in response to challenges from injury, inflammation, malignancy, particulate exposure, or infection. Until now, receptor ligation has been understood as being the central mechanism that regulates macrophage function. Using macrophages of different origins and species, we report that macrophage elasticity is a major determinant of innate macrophage function. Macrophage elasticity is modulated not only by classical biologic activators such as LPS and IFN-γ, but to an equal extent by substrate rigidity and substrate stretch. Macrophage elasticity is dependent upon actin polymerization and small rhoGTPase activation, but functional effects of elasticity are not predicted by examination of gene expression profiles alone. Taken together, these data demonstrate an unanticipated role for cell elasticity as a common pathway by which mechanical and biologic factors determine macrophage function.
Carpe N, Mandeville I, Kho A, Qiu W, Martin J, Tantisira K, Raby B, Weiss S, Kaplan F. Maternal allergen exposure reprograms the developmental lung transcriptome in atopic and normoresponsive rat pups. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2012;303(10):L899–911. doi:10.1152/ajplung.00179.2012
The "fetal origins hypothesis" argued that physiological changes consequent to in utero exposures ultimately contribute to disease susceptibility in later life. The dramatic increase in asthma prevalence is attributed to early exposures acting on preexisting asthma-susceptible genotypes. We showed previously that distinct transcriptome signatures distinguish the developmental respiratory phenotype of atopic (Brown Norway, BN) and normoresponsive (Lewis) rats. We aimed to determine whether maternal allergen exposure would influence asthma pathogenesis by reprogramming primary patterns of developmental lung gene expression. Postnatal offspring of dams sensitized to ovalbumin before mating and challenged during pregnancy were assessed for lung function, inflammatory biomarkers, and respiratory gene expression. Although maternal ovalbumin exposure resulted in characteristic features of an allergic response (bronchoalveolar lavage neutrophils, IgE, methacholine-induced lung resistance) in offspring of both strains, substantial strain-specific differences were observed in respiratory gene expression. Of 799 probes representing the top 5% of transcriptomic variation, only 112 (14%) were affected in both strains. Strain-specific gene signatures also exhibited marked differences in enrichment for gene ontologies, with immune regulation and cell proliferation being prominent in the BN strain, cell cycle and microtubule assembly gene sets in the Lewis strain. Multiple ovalbumin-specific probes in both strains were also differentially expressed in lymphoblastoid cell lines from human asthmatic vs. nonasthmatic sibling pairs. Our data point to the existence of distinct, genetically programmed responses to maternal exposures in developing lung. These different response patterns, if recapitulated in human fetal development, can contribute to long-term pulmonary health including interindividual susceptibility to asthma.


Melén E, Kho A, Sharma S, Gaedigk R, Leeder S, Mariani T, Carey V, Weiss S, Tantisira K. Expression analysis of asthma candidate genes during human and murine lung development. Respir Res. 2011;12:86. doi:10.1186/1465-9921-12-86
BACKGROUND: Little is known about the role of most asthma susceptibility genes during human lung development. Genetic determinants for normal lung development are not only important early in life, but also for later lung function. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of expression patterns of well-defined asthma susceptibility genes during human and murine lung development. We hypothesized that genes influencing normal airways development would be over-represented by genes associated with asthma. METHODS: Asthma genes were first identified via comprehensive search of the current literature. Next, we analyzed their expression patterns in the developing human lung during the pseudoglandular (gestational age, 7-16 weeks) and canalicular (17-26 weeks) stages of development, and in the complete developing lung time series of 3 mouse strains: A/J, SW, C57BL6. RESULTS: In total, 96 genes with association to asthma in at least two human populations were identified in the literature. Overall, there was no significant over-representation of the asthma genes among genes differentially expressed during lung development, although trends were seen in the human (Odds ratio, OR 1.22, confidence interval, CI 0.90-1.62) and C57BL6 mouse (OR 1.41, CI 0.92-2.11) data. However, differential expression of some asthma genes was consistent in both developing human and murine lung, e.g. NOD1, EDN1, CCL5, RORA and HLA-G. Among the asthma genes identified in genome wide association studies, ROBO1, RORA, HLA-DQB1, IL2RB and PDE10A were differentially expressed during human lung development. CONCLUSIONS: Our data provide insight about the role of asthma susceptibility genes during lung development and suggest common mechanisms underlying lung morphogenesis and pathogenesis of respiratory diseases.
Alexander M, Kawahara G, Kho A, Howell M, Pusack T, Myers J, Montanaro F, Zon L, Guyon J, Kunkel L. Isolation and transcriptome analysis of adult zebrafish cells enriched for skeletal muscle progenitors. Muscle Nerve. 2011;43(5):741–50. doi:10.1002/mus.21972
INTRODUCTION: Over the past 10 years, the use of zebrafish for scientific research in the area of muscle development has increased dramatically. Although several protocols exist for the isolation of adult myoblast progenitors from larger fish, no standardized protocol exists for the isolation of myogenic progenitors from adult zebrafish muscle. METHODS: Using a variant of a mammalian myoblast isolation protocol, zebrafish muscle progenitors have been isolated from the total dorsal myotome. These zebrafish myoblast progenitors can be cultured for several passages and then differentiated into multinucleated, mature myotubes. RESULTS: Transcriptome analysis of these cells during myogenic differentiation revealed a strong downregulation of pluripotency genes, while, conversely, showing an upregulation of myogenic signaling and structural genes. CONCLUSIONS: Together these studies provide a simple, yet detailed method for the isolation and culture of myogenic progenitors from adult zebrafish, while further promoting their therapeutic potential for the study of muscle disease and drug screening.
Ning M, Sarracino D, Kho A, Guo S, Lee S-R, Krastins B, Buonanno F, Vizcaíno J, Orchard S, McMullin D, et al. Proteomic temporal profile of human brain endothelium after oxidative stress. Stroke. 2011;42(1):37–43. doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.110.585703
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: because brain endothelial cells exist at the neurovascular interface, they may serve as cellular reporters of brain dysfunction by releasing biomarkers into the circulation. METHODS: we used proteomic techniques to screen conditioned media from human brain endothelial cultures subjected to oxidative stress induced by nitric oxide over 24 hours. Plasma samples from human stroke patients were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: in healthy endothelial cells, interaction mapping demonstrated cross-talk involving secreted factors, membrane receptors, and matrix components. In oxidatively challenged endothelial cells, networks of interacting proteins failed to emerge. Instead, inflammatory markers increased, secreted factors oscillated over time, and endothelial injury repair was manifested as changes in factors related to matrix integrity. Elevated inflammatory markers included heat shock protein, chemokine ligand-1, serum amyloid-A1, annexin-A5, and thrombospondin-1. Neurotrophic factors (prosaposin, nucleobindin-1, and tachykinin precursors) peaked at 12 hours, then rapidly decreased by 24 hours. Basement membrane components (fibronectin, desomoglein, profiling-1) were decreased. Cytoskeletal markers (actin, vimentin, nidogen, and filamin B) increased over time. From this initial analysis, the high-ranking candidate thrombospondin-1 was further explored in human plasma. Acute ischemic stroke patients had significantly higher thrombospondin-1 levels within 8 hours of symptom onset compared to controls with similar clinical risk factors (659 ± 81 vs 1132 ± 98 ng/mL; P0.05; n=20). CONCLUSIONS: screening of simplified cell culture systems may aid the discovery of novel biomarkers in clinical neurovascular injury. Further collaborative efforts are warranted to discover and validate more candidates of interest.


Kho A, Bhattacharya S, Tantisira K, Carey V, Gaedigk R, Leeder S, Kohane I, Weiss S, Mariani T. Transcriptomic analysis of human lung development. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010;181(1):54–63. doi:10.1164/rccm.200907-1063OC
RATIONALE: Current understanding of the molecular regulation of lung development is limited and derives mostly from animal studies. OBJECTIVES: To define global patterns of gene expression during human lung development. METHODS: Genome-wide expression profiling was used to measure the developing lung transcriptome in RNA samples derived from 38 normal human lung tissues at 53 to 154 days post conception. Principal component analysis was used to characterize global expression variation and to identify genes and bioontologic attributes contributing to these variations. Individual gene expression patterns were verified by quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Gene expression analysis identified attributes not previously associated with lung development, such as chemokine-immunologic processes. Lung characteristics attributes (e.g., surfactant function) were observed at an earlier-than-anticipated age. We defined a 3,223 gene developing lung characteristic subtranscriptome capable of describing a majority of the process. In gene expression space, the samples formed a time-contiguous trajectory with transition points correlating with histological stages and suggesting the existence of novel molecular substages. Induction of surfactant gene expression characterized a pseudoglandular "molecular phase" transition. Individual gene expression patterns were independently validated. We predicted the age of independent human lung transcriptome profiles with a median absolute error of 5 days, supporting the validity of the data and modeling approach. CONCLUSIONS: This study extends our knowledge of key gene expression patterns and bioontologic attributes underlying early human lung developmental processes. The data also suggest the existence of molecular phases of lung development.
Kojic N, Chung E, Kho A, Park J-A, Huang A, So P, Tschumperlin D. An EGFR autocrine loop encodes a slow-reacting but dominant mode of mechanotransduction in a polarized epithelium. FASEB J. 2010;24(5):1604–15. doi:10.1096/fj.09-145367
The mechanical landscape in biological systems can be complex and dynamic, with contrasting sustained and fluctuating loads regularly superposed within the same tissue. How resident cells discriminate between these scenarios to respond accordingly remains largely unknown. Here, we show that a step increase in compressive stress of physiological magnitude shrinks the lateral intercellular space between bronchial epithelial cells, but does so with strikingly slow exponential kinetics (time constant approximately 110 s). We confirm that epidermal growth factor (EGF)-family ligands are constitutively shed into the intercellular space and demonstrate that a step increase in compressive stress enhances EGF receptor (EGFR) phosphorylation with magnitude and onset kinetics closely matching those predicted by constant-rate ligand shedding in a slowly shrinking intercellular geometry. Despite the modest degree and slow nature of EGFR activation evoked by compressive stress, we find that the majority of transcriptomic responses to sustained mechanical loading require ongoing activity of this autocrine loop, indicating a dominant role for mechanotransduction through autocrine EGFR signaling in this context. A slow deformation response to a step increase in loading, accompanied by synchronous increases in ligand concentration and EGFR activation, provides one means for cells to mount a selective and context-appropriate response to a sustained change in mechanical environment.