
Deep networks for solving challenging image recovery problems


Supervised and Unsupervised Deep Methods for MRI Reconstruction:

1- Deep Plug-and-Play Prior for Parallel MRI Reconstruction (Link)

2- ODE-based Deep Network for MRI Reconstruction (Link)

3- Non-Learning based Deep Parallel MRI Reconstruction (NLDpMRI) (Link)




Reconstruction Augmentation by Constraining with Intensity Gradients (RACING)

Ali Pour Yazdanpanah, Onur Afacan, Simon K. Warfield, Reconstruction Augmentation by Constraining with Intensity Gradients in MRI, Filed on April 25, 2019 with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as Application 62/838,452.



Whole Brain Segmentation using Deep Networks



Large-Scale Distributed Training of Deep Networks using Three Different Clusters:

1- NERSC (National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center)

2- O2 (Harvard Medical School)

3- MGHPCC (Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center)


Lensless Smart Sensor




End-To-End Large-Scale Optimization of Lensless Smart Sensor (LSS):

1- Joint optimization of gratings and signal processing in computational diffractive imagers:  Novel optical elements for lensless integrated imagers.

2- Designed the new optimized binary phase diffraction gratings.
3- Designed the new optimized multi-level phase diffraction gratings.
4- Improved LSS reconstruction algorithm performance.

@ Computational Sensing and Imaging group, Rambus Labs

Advisor: Dr. David G. Stork (Rambus Labs)


Novel Neutron-Photon Computed Tomography Imaging


3D Object Reconstruction and Material Discrimination in Sparse-View Neutron-Photon Computed Tomography

(Link1) (Link2) (Link3)


Sparse-View CT and MRI Reconstruction



Sparse-View CT and MRI Reconstruction Methods:

1- Compressed Sensing Magnetic Resonance Imaging based on Shearlet Sparsity and Nonlocal Total Variation (Link)
2- Compressed Sensing MRI using Curvelet Sparsity and Nonlocal Total Variation, CS-NLTV (Link)
3- Sparse-View CT Reconstruction based on Nonconvex L1-L2 Regularization (Link)
4- Algebraic Iterative Reconstruction-Reprojection (AIRR) Algorithm for High Performance Sparse-View Projection CT Reconstruction (Link)
5- Sparse-View CT Reconstruction using Curvelet and TV-based Regularization (Link)


NASA Advanced Computer Vision Robotics and Visualization Methods


NASA Advanced Computer Vision, Robotics, and Visualization Algorithms for Improving Planetary Exploration and Understanding

Real-Time Horizon Line Detection (Video)

@NASA Ames Research Center

Project Page

CUDA Implemention (Code - Private GitHub Repo)


CS-based Communication Channel Estimation for OFDM System in UAV


CS-based OFDM Channel Estimation in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles:

1- Compressive Sensing Based Communications Channel Estimation for OFDM System in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Link)

Deep Learning based Automated Bicycle Detection & Count System


 Automated Bicycle Detection & Count Methods:

1- A Trajectory Based Method of Automatic Counting of Cyclist in Traffic Video Data (Link)

2- Bicycle Detection using HOG, HSC and MLBP (Link)


Remotely-Sensed Hyperspectral Data Classification


Remotely-Sensed Hyperspectral Data Classification using Deep Belief Network


1- A Deep Belief Network for Classifying Remotely-Sensed Hyperspectral Data (Code) (Link)


Human Detection and Tracking using Infrared FLIR Sensor in UAV



Human Detection and Tracking using Infrared FLIR Sensor in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles





Locally- and Feature- Adaptive Diffusion Based Image Denoising Algorithm (LFAD)


With CUDA Implementation (up to 20x Speed up) (Link)