Daniel Lin

Research Fellow, Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children's Hospital

Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School

Daniel did his Ph.D. training by joining the double Ph.D. program at both University of Tsukuba, Japan and National Taiwan University, Taiwan. He received the first Ph.D. at University of Tsukuba under Dr. Yasunori Kanaho, where he characterized the lymphangiogenesis role of small GTPase Arf6 in embryonic development and cancer progression and how Arf6 regulates intracellular trafficking of b1 integrin (Lin et al., Scientific Report, 2017). In addition, he received the second Ph.D. from National Taiwan University under Dr. Hsinyu Lee, where he found the VEGF-C signaling pathway mediated by lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in human prostate cancer, and how it regulates tumor lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic metastasis (Lin et al., BBA-Moll Cell Biol Lipids, 2018).

Daniel joined the Hla lab in September 2019 to investigate the role of S1P receptor 2 in lymphatic vessel development at embryonic stages and pathological conditions.

Publication Highlights

Lin YC, Chen CC, Chen WM, Lu KY, Shen TL, Jou YC, Shen CH, Ohbayashi N, Kanaho Y, Huang YL, Lee H. (2018). LPA1/3 Signaling Mediates Tumor Lymphangiogenesis through Promoting CRT Expression in Prostate Cancer. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids.

Huang YL, Lin YC, Lin CC, Chen WM, Chen B, Lee H. (2018). High Glucose Induces VEGF-C Expression via the LPA1/3-Akt-ROS-LEDGF Signaling Axis in Human Prostate Cancer PC-3 Cells. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry.

Lin YC, Ohbayashi N, Hongu T, Katagiri N, Funakoshi Y, Lee H, Kanaho Y. (2017). Arf6 in Lymphatic Endothelial Cells Regulates Lymphangiogenesis by Controlling Directional Cell Migration. Scientific Reports.

Email: Daniel.Lin@childrens.harvard.edu