Recent Press

U.S. News & World Report-- Industry Ties Influence Flu Medication Findings: Researchers paid to review flu medications tend to give them more positive reviews

The Boston Globe-- ADHD drugs lacking in safety studies, Boston researchers find 

Medscape-- ADHD Drugs Not Tested for Safety, Efficacy Over Time

U.S. News & World Report-- Most Medical Devices Approved for Kids Only Tested on Adults Most medical devices approved for use in children are not tested on pediatric patients before they are marketed, a new Harvard study finds.

CBS News-- Wikipedia drug entries often inaccurate or outdated, study finds

Reuters-- Medical devices for kids are often only tested on adults

Reuters-- Medical trials for kids don't always match global need Research trials that evaluate drugs and other treatments for children don't always align with needs around the world, according to a new analysis.

USA Today--Adult prescription growth linked to kids' poisonings As adult prescription medication use has increased, so have rates of poisonings in children of all ages.