Filamin C accumulation is a strong but nonspecific immunohistochemical marker of core formation in muscle.

Bönnemann, Thompson, Ven, Goebel, Warlo, Vollmers, Reimann, Herms, Gautel, Takada, et al. Filamin C accumulation is a strong but nonspecific immunohistochemical marker of core formation in muscle. J Neurol Sci. 2003;206(1):71–8.


Filamin C is the muscle isoform of a group of large actin-crosslinking proteins. On the one hand, filamin C is associated with the Z-disk of the myofibrillar apparatus and binds to myotilin; on the other hand, it interacts with the sarcoglycan complex at the sarcolemma. Filamin C may be involved in reorganizing the cytoskeleton in response to signalling events and in muscle it may, in addition, fulfill structural functions at the Z-disk. An examination of biopsies from patients with multi-minicore myopathy, central core myopathy and neurogenic target fibers with core-like target formations (TF) revealed strong reactivity of all the cores and target formations with two different anti-filamin C antibodies. In all three conditions, the immunoreactivity in the cores for filamin C was considerably stronger than that for desmin. Only for alphaB-crystallin were comparable levels of immunoreactivity detected. There was no difference in intensity for filamin C between the three pathological conditions. Thus, filamin C along with alphaB-crystallin is a strong and robust, but nonspecific marker of core formation. The reason why filamin C accumulates in cores is unclear at present, but we postulate that it may be critically involved in the chain of events eventually leading to myofibrillar degeneration.
Last updated on 02/25/2023