Evidence for linkage of familial Diamond-Blackfan anemia to chromosome 8p23.3-p22 and for non-19q non-8p disease.

Gazda, Lipton, Willig, Ball, Niemeyer, Tchernia, Mohandas, Daly, Ploszynska, Orfali, et al. Evidence for linkage of familial Diamond-Blackfan anemia to chromosome 8p23.3-p22 and for non-19q non-8p disease. Blood. 2001;97(7):2145–50.


Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a rare congenital hypoplastic anemia that usually presents early in infancy and is inherited in 10% to 20% of cases. Linkage analysis has shown that DBA in many of both dominant and recessive DBA families mapped to chromosome 19q13.2 leading to the cloning of a gene on chromosome 19q13.2 that encodes a ribosomal protein, RPS19. However, subsequently, mutations of the RPS19 gene have only been identified in 25% of all patients with DBA. This study analyzed 14 multiplex DBA families, 9 of which had 19q13.2 haplotypes inconsistent with 19q linkage. A genome-wide search for linked loci suggested the presence of a second DBA locus in a 26.4-centimorgan (cM) interval on human chromosome 8p. Subsequently, 24 additional DBA families were ascertained and all 38 families were analyzed with additional polymorphic markers on chromosome 8p. In total, 18 of 38 families were consistent with linkage to chromosome 8p with a maximal LOD score with heterogeneity of 3.55 at D8S277 assuming 90% penetrance. The results indicate the existence of a second DBA gene in the 26.4-cM telomeric region of human chromosome 8p23.3-p22, most likely within an 8.1-cM interval flanked by D8S518 and D8S1825. Seven families were inconsistent with linkage to 8p or 19q and did not reveal mutations in the RPS19 gene, suggesting further genetic heterogeneity. (Blood. 2001;97:2145-2150)
Last updated on 02/25/2023